Your wedding day is supposed to be the “happiest of your life,” but in her wedding pictures, Christina wasn’t smiling…all because she hated the way she looked.
And it sure didn’t help when the photographer told her she had to edit Christina’s back fat out of the pictures.
What’s more, Christina didn’t feel too hot, either. She was so exhausted, she didn’t have enough energy to take walks (an activity she LOVES).
Christina was “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” and she knew things HAD to change.
So she joined Code Red last year, and since TAKING HER LIFE BACK with Code Red…
She has TONS of energy.
She WANTS to be in photos, and likes the way she looks in them
She inspired her husband to take HIS life back, too (he’s down 100 pounds!)
Plus her husband is off his diabetes and anti-inflammatory medications. Wow!!
If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired…and you’re sick of your own excuses…come TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK with us.
Get started here: