The news wasn’t great.
Deborah’s doctor wanted to put her on a statin, but Deborah didn’t want it…so she turned to Code Red to see if she could change things naturally.
So starting with a 10 Pound Takedown, Deborah switched to…

Deborah got her lab results back again, and not only were her total cholesterol and LDL down, her triglycerides went from 274 to 180, according to what she told me.
Plus, Deborah lost 30 pounds and has a whole new wardrobe!
High cholesterol in COMBINATION with a sugar-soaked diet packed with processed carbs is a recipe for pretty serious problems.
It’s all the more reason to clean up your diet…not only to lose weight, but to give your body the fuel it needs to be metabolically sound.
Take Deborah’s advice, and try out Code Red for 30 days on the 10 Pound Takedown, which you can join here: