You get what you tolerate. Time to start sticking up for yourself.

If you’re like most people, there’s probably crap going on in your life that you can hate and wish would change.

You also probably believe there’s “nothing you can do about it.”

Maybe that’s the case, in some instances…but what I see all the time is that most people are resentfully and/or helplessly tolerating things that actually CAN do something about.

It might be setting some boundaries, changing your attitude, or changing your lifestyle altogether, but it’s HIGHLY likely there’s more you can do than you think.

Watch my video below to hear more, and get an infusion of motivation to TAKE TO YOUR LIFE BACK!

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1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.