A Rebel in the 10 Pound Takedown on Facebook asked this question:
“This morning I saw my Dr. He doesn’t believe this lifestyle is sustainable! He is happy that I lost 10lbs but believes this is not the right way to do it. Anyone else getting this from their doctors? He believes watching my carb intake is important but not at this level.”
Now read some of the replies she got:
“My doctor is behind it 100%. I had high blood pressure and borderline diabetes back in October. I started the November challenge at 163.4. Now I’m down to 143.4 and my blood pressure and glucose are normal range. The numbers don’t lie.”
“There is no money for doctors with healthy patients. However, my doctor is in full support and amazed by my progress after watching me fail with so many other options.”
“Today, my Cardiologist asked me the name of the program I did, so that he could tell others. I wrote it down for him. He said thank you and put my note in his pocket.”
“My Dr told me I could not lose weight unless I walked 10k steps. I have neuropathy so that’s a tough goal to meet daily. HOWEVER, my oncologist and a medical internalist said it’s the best way to eat.”
“My doctor says is great and keep it up!”
“My doctor has no issues with Code Red as my weight loss and bloodwork attest to the benefits of the CR lifestyle.”
“My Dr. Recommend this lifestyle to me!!”
“My doctor thinks this is great and very healthy.”
“My GI doctor and his wife are rebels and by endocrinologist supports it 100% and is the one who told me to start again.”
“My doctors love it and also did it them self.”
“My doc couldn’t believe how much my numbers, etc, improved and told me to keep doing what I’m doing.”
“Dr.s don’t make money if you’re healthy. My Dr. Is 100% on board with me following this lifestyle. I would find a new Dr. But I lost my faith in the medical world where healthy lifestyles are concerned a long time ago.”
It’s true that the medical establishment, big pharma, and the food industry all make an eye-watering amount of money off YOUR poor health.
It’s ALSO true that a lot of doctors became doctors because they actually wanna help people, not be drug dealers for big pharma.
And when THESE doctors see the jaw-dropping transformation in their Code Red Rebel patients, they’re happy to encourage (and even start recommending) Code Red.
If you’re not already on board with Code Red, there’s never been a better time to learn how to use weight and keep it off with real food, water, and sleep – no shakes, shots, diet pills, diet foods, or exercise needed.
Come join us in the Code Red network! We’ve got communities, tons of videos, podcasts, articles, motivation, tips, programs, meal ideas, and more! It’s free to join, and you can join in either of these two ways:
1) Go to www.coderedlifestyle.com/app from your laptop (or an Internet browser like Chrome on your phone or tablet) and create your free account.
2) Download the mobile app version from the App Store or Google Play by searching Code Red Lifestyle™.