I LOVE traveling! Good thing, since I do a lot of it!
Staying Code Red-compliant while traveling is easy. You can find Code Red-approved food anywhere.
But for new Rebels, it’s a scary thing, because they haven’t done it enough (or at all) to learn how simple it is.
One trick I – and a lot of my veterans – use is to just bring my own food. That way I’m always prepared. Plus I save a lot of money bringing my own food!
In my video below, I’ll show you what I packed on a trip to Minneapolis.
Below the video are links to the foods on Amazon, if you decide you want to try them out yourself.
Chomps: https://amzn.to/2EewnYz
Coconut Oil packets: https://amzn.to/2PkmauJ
Sardines: https://amzn.to/2Qb0A0Y