At the time of first writing this post, I am regularly flying from Boise to Salt Lake City to…
Wait for it…
Get my hair colored.
As much extra work as it is to book a plane ticket, go to the airport (with my dog, Hazel, in tow), fly down, go to my colorist’s salon, come back to the airport, fly home, and take the shuttle back to my condo…
It’s still LESS trouble than trying to find someone local who can color my hair exactly the way I want.
That may not be the most relatable example for you when it comes to going out of your way to get what you want, but still.
I bet you have your own versions of stuff that’s so important to you, you’ll move heaven and earth to get it done.
EVERYONE has stuff like that.
It’s one of many reasons I don’t buy people’s bullcrap excuses about why they “don’t have time” to take their life back with Code Red.
If it’s important enough, you’ll make the time.
How do I know?
Because you’re already making time for stuff that’s important to you.
Whether it’s the friend or loved one you’ll rearrange your schedule to spend time with…
Whether it’s flying across the country to attend a sporting event or concert…
Whether it’s refusing to join your girlfriends for bar hopping at 2 AM because your sleep is more of a priority…
If it’s important enough, you’ll make time for it.
So when a healthy body that moves how you want it to, fits comfortably in any chair, and is strong enough to get you up off the floor after playing with your grandkids is finally important enough for you to make time for, then get started with the Code Red Lifestyle™ at www.coderedlifestyle.com/start.
Code Red has already helped hundreds of thousands of people take their life (and their body) back.
NOW it’s your time.