Beware this sneaky “low-carb” ploy by the food industry

The food industry is at it again.

I’m a capitalist, so I don’t have a problem with them trying to make money.

But I do have a problem with the fact they have their best interests at heart, not yours.

Case in point: Their latest ploy to capitalize on low-carb/keto eating.

There’s been a surge in “low-carb” and/or keto breads, tortillas, and other processed foods that are traditionally made with wheat.

Wheat has protein (in the form of gluten, which many people cannot tolerate) and fiber, but wheat is a grain and very high-carb.

Yet the food industry has figured out how to keep wheat in the ingredients of these “low-carb” and “keto” foods, while chemically altering the recipe of these processed foods just enough for them to appear low-carb.

So why is that a problem?

It’s a problem because including wheat in the ingredients of low-carb or keto foods destroys one of the key benefits of a true, clean, low-carb dietary plan:

The fact it’s NOT inflammatory.

Today’s wheat, on the other hand, is HIGHLY inflammatory.

Eating a “low-carb”/keto tortilla or slice of bread with wheat in it is like drinking dairy-free milk with dairy in it or eating gluten-free crackers with gluten in them. 

A traditional, therapeutic ketogenic diet has ZERO grains and is gluten-free. We don’t eat grains in Code Red weight loss mode, either.

Next time you see a low-carb/keto bread or tortilla package in the grocery store, pick it up and read the ingredients. If wheat, wheat gluten, or ANY kind of grain are listed anywhere, save your money and walk away. Don’t fall for the food industry’s bullcrap.

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