Beware people using my name to get your money

I did a live video on my personal Facebook page about this, but I wanna have it on my website, too, because it’s happening more and more.

As the Code Red Lifestyle brand grows and gets more and more attention, more and more people are using my brand name (without permission) because they know my Rebels are loyal and eager to support anything they believe is Code Red…whether it actually is or not.

I see people involved in network marketing (aka multi-level marketing) selling weight loss powders (which goes against everything I believe) or kitchen tools throwing “Code Red cooking parties” with “Code Red-approved recipes” (that I haven’t seen, so can’t confirm for you whether they’re Code Red-approved or not).

It’s all in the hope of attracting my Rebels to sell them food and/or products…products that either have nothing to do with Code Red, or actually go against what we believe.

The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I don’t want you to get scammed thinking I’m endorsing something just because you see the name “Code Red.”

Even my Code Red Leaders and Code Red Certified Coaches have to check with me before holding an event with my brand name on it. That’s how protective I am of the Code Red Lifestyle name. It means something, and I want to do everything I can to keep it that way.

My Official Code Red Lifestyle events can be found at

I also post them on my public Code Red Lifestyle Facebook page. You can click the Events “tab” to view any events I have coming up that are confirmed.

For more information on this, please watch the video below.

And feel free to check with me if you see an event, or even a brick and mortar business, throwing my name around. I do have a few business partners who have permission to use my name, but a LOT of people who use it do not.

Message me on the public Code Red Lifestyle Facebook, or file a support ticket at and ask. My team and I are happy to confirm for you whether the event is Code Red.