Are you waiting on things to change before you’ll make changes?

I’ll take better care of myself when.

Ever used that line?

If you’re not sure, here’s how it shows up:

I’ll take better care of myself when the kids are older.

I’ll take better care of myself when work is less crazy.

I’ll take better care of myself when it’s not summer.

I’ll take better care of myself when the holidays are over.

I’ll take better care of myself when my elderly mother’s recovered from her fall.

Look at how many “reasons” there are NOT to take better care of your self.

Seriously, you can grasp for something every single day of your life!

My point in bringing this up is to show you why it’s so pointless to wait for some arbitrary “right time” to take your life back.

The right time is NOW, not after some outside circumstance cooperates.

If you’re unhappy with how you look and feel, that’s not gonna change unless you change it!

It’s sure not gonna change if you keep clinging to those “whens.”

Instead of making excuses NOT to take your life back, how about looking for excuses to actually do it?

Are you tired of no intimacy with your partner because you’re embarrassed to be naked?

Are you tired of having to settle for whatever frumpy frock happens to fit, instead of the cute clothes you really want?

Are you ready to feel BETTER, and proud of yourself for once?

If you’re gonna make excuses, make the ones that’ll get and keep this weight off, instead of the ones that keep you stuck where you are.

And stop waiting for the world to change before you make changes. Go that route, and you’ll wait your life away.

Start NOW, where you are, with what you have.

Instead of waiting for the change, BE the change!

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