Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope you’re having a great day, yet in true Cristy fashion, I’m going against the mainstream holiday grain…in this case, the one about “spoiling yourself” with copious amounts of sugar, alcohol, and processed food, and calling it a celebration of love.
My stance on this topic isn’t a popular one, because we’re all conditioned to turn to food for every tiny little thing.
See, it’s one thing to have food be a part of life. I mean, we need food to survive, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying your food, or having it be a presence at your special occasions.
But it’s another thing for everything we do to REVOLVE around food, and that’s where our society is at.
It’s not just special occasions anymore. Every little thing has become an excuse to eat, eat, and eat some more.
We even eat to fill emotional needs we’re completely ignoring, and then we call it “self-love.”
But is it really?
Is feeding yourself in a way that equates to “slow poison that tastes good” really taking good care of yourself?
I call that self-sabotage.
To me, giving your body clean, healthy fuel, in an amount your body needs (but no more) is the way you use food to show yourself love.
And honestly, food is not a substitute for love, so clean eating shouldn’t be the only way you treat yourself in a loving way.
For the sake of our physical, mental, and emotional health, the food pendulum has GOT to swing back toward clean eating to fuel our bodies and minds, instead of staying where it is now: Gorging to cope with life and meet emotional needs we’re ignoring.
A toxic relationship with food is not a self-care strategy. It’s a symptom of problems that need solved.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can start with real food, water, and sleep, and using healthy non-food strategies to meet your emotional needs.
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