Sarah truly transformed her life in 7 months on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
A stay-at-home mom to a toddler, Sarah is no stranger to stressful, challenging, repetitive days.
Like many people, she turned to food to cope with stress, but any in the moment relief she experienced didn’t last.
The resulting weight gain, on the other hand, stuck around and compounded.
And the bigger Sarah got, the more embarrassed she felt, especially at family events.
Finally, Sarah decided she was DONE with the embarrassment.
She joined the Code Red Lifestyle™, which she’d first heard about almost a year ago, and made a commitment to “follow the rules and change” her lifestyle.
Seven months later, Sarah has not only lost 84 pounds (and reached goal weight), she also:

Like Sarah, you can change a LOT when you use the RIGHT tools.
To change your life from one of obesity and disease to one of hope, health, and healing, go here: The 10 Pound Takedown starts the day you sign up!