There’s a popular motivational quote that says, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!”
Obviously there’s truth to that. If someone has to pick you up and carry you to your result, you’re never gonna keep it. You didn’t evolve into the version of yourself who could keep it.
But one thing I don’t like about this quote is that it makes it sound like you have to “do it all on your own” to get the result (or be worthy of having it).
THAT is a bullcrap lie.
No, you can’t be a baby in a high chair, waiting for mommy and daddy to spoon feed you…
And NO, you do not have to do it ALL on your own.
You can learn from the people who’ve come before.
You can connect with a community of like-minded people to support you.
You can lean on a mentor.
Just because you have a role to play doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t allow supportive people to help you.
Seriously, think about it. I didn’t become a two-time world champion boxer “on my own.”
Yes, I showed up and did the work, and it was me in the ring.
Did I have a role to play in my own success?
Of course!!
Did I do it “all on my own?”
Nope. I had coaches, trainers, and sparring partners who all helped me get there.
As you move forward on your weight loss journey, beware the toxic “I should be able to do this on my own” mindset.
It’s just your ego trying to come between you and the results you say you want.
Thank your ego for trying to protect you, assure it you’ll be fine, and get connected to the support you need.
Yes, it is up to you to show up and do your part…but NO, you don’t have to do it alone.
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