Are you known for things you don’t want to be known for (like the “funny fat girl”)?

The hotel I live above has a sauna, and I go down and sit in it almost every night.

The other night it was packed, so I squeezed into the corner.

Suddenly, one of the guys on the other side of the sauna turned to me and said, “You’re an ex-pro fighter, aren’t you?”

“How did you know?” I asked, surprised.

“I know who you are,” he replied.

Next thing I knew, everybody in the sauna was staring at me (because it’s not every day you meet any kind of fighter, let alone a pro fighter).

Then the questions about my fighting career started rolling in.

And as I answered them, I kept thinking, “A pro fighter is not who I am anymore.”

To be clear, I am super proud of my boxing career. Fifteen pro fights, five knockouts, two world titles. There are only 2,000 female boxers in the entire world, and I was one of them.

But I retired in 2010. My boxing career was a lifetime ago.

And while I’m super proud of it, what I would really love is if people came up to me and said, “You’re Cristy Code Red. You help women lose a ton of weight with real food, water, and sleep.”

That is what I would love to be known for these days.

Later, after I left the sauna and showered before bed, I got to thinking about how awkward it would be if people recognized me from my fighting career and I WASN’T proud of it.

Because a lot of people ARE known for stuff they’re not proud of.

For example, maybe you DON’T wanna be known as the “fat, squishy grandma.”

Maybe you DON’T wanna be known as the “funny fat girl.”

Maybe you DON’T wanna be known as the mom who can’t play with her kids at the city park because she’s too sick, obese, and tired to do more than waddle-walk around for a couple minutes before she has to sit down.

Ultimately, I can’t control whether people recognize me from my boxing career.

But I can control how I show up in the world NOW.

And so can you.

So if you’re unhappy feeling like crap…if you’re unhappy feeling out of control with food or alcohol…if you’re unhappy with a closet full of frumpy fat clothes you only bought because they kinda fit…

Then join me for the next 10 Pound Takedown, and let’s DO something about it.

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