Are canned vegetables okay on Code Red?

I get why people new to Code Red ask this kind of thing.

There is a TON of information in the world about what you’re “supposed” to eat to lose weight and improve your physical wellness.

It’s SO freaking complicated, the information contradicts itself, and you’re left in this constant state of worrying and overthinking it.

Plus, on Code Red we’re all about real food, water, and sleep. That means, ideally, everyone would eat, fresh real food for every meal.

That is definitely what I encourage. Food that comes in a can or a box is more likely to have chemicals, added sugar, and fillers that your body doesn’t know what to do with.

All that being said, I ALSO know that we live in a complicated world. So to the extent it’s possible without going overboard, I do what I can to meet people where they are.

So about canned vegetables from a supermarket shelf…are they IDEAL?

No. Ideal would be home-grown vegetables from your garden, or from someone at the farmer’s market.

But, will canned vegetables still help you lose weight, improve your physical wellness, and feel better? Especially if you’re coming off of 12 cans of soda a day, loads of grains, and tons of processed junk food and fast food?

HECK YES. And here’s why.

When it comes to transitioning from the standard American diet to Code Red, I operate on a good-better-best system.

It allows people to ease into Code Red and still get great results (because, let’s face it, completely changing how you eat is a lot to take on).

Then, as they get used to the lifestyle, and the foods we eat, they can up their game and choose the better and best options.

I’ll use coffee as an example of what I mean by good-better-best.

If you usually get a sugar-soaked coffee drink from Starbucks, GOOD would instead be having coffee at home with sugar-free creamer in it.

Sugar-free creamer is pure processed chemicals, but it’s also sugar-free. It’s a step in the right direction, at the GOOD level.

A BETTER option would be coffee with heavy cream. No sugar, high-fat, and fewer chemicals (or none, if you get a natural brand).

The BEST option would be something like Nut Pods, which has no dairy or sugar. (I allow a few full-fat dairy items on Code Red, but dairy’s inflammatory, so I support people in not eating it.)

Canned vegetables are okay. They’ll help you lose weight and feel better. Go ahead and buy them if that’s what works for you right now.

I actually recommend frozen vegetables over canned, because frozen veggies have their nutrients locked in. That makes them preferable even to most fresh vegetables, UNLESS those fresh vegetables come straight from your garden, or from someone at the farmer’s market who recently picked them.

That’s because most supermarket “fresh” veggies are picked when they’re underripe and transported from other countries. They’ve been sitting out for lord knows how long, with their nutrients fading away.

Get canned veggies if you want. You’re fine.

Frozen veggies are better.

Freshly-picked, home-grown veggies are best.

ALL three of these options are better than however you’re eating now (unless you’re already following the program).

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