What Is This Episode About…
After calling her “Fat Butt,” this 25-year police veteran became a hermit crab and sank lower and lower into shame and guilt. But hear what happened when she found Code Red and lost 121 lbs.
She is now a speaker, author and living her best life at 54 years old. I am talking about Liz Weber, whose weight loss journey is so inspiring and unlike any other, we have done before. Her story will inspire all of us and resonate with many police officers, firefighters, and other first responders.
Working as an overweight police officer came with numerous challenges. Her weight often held her back, and faced ridicule from her fellow officers. Even though she enjoyed her job, it was getting difficult just to physically do the job.
Once she retired, she let herself go and became completely overweight at 261 pounds. Once she hit rock bottom with no hope, she came across Code Red and joined the 10-pound takedown challenge, and her weight started falling off.
Tune in to hear her amazing story, including some advice to overweight first responders on how they can seek help to get their life back.
Key Takeaways
- How challenging it is to serve as an overweight police officer (04:05)
- Getting hope, confidence, and sparkle back through weight loss (09:40)
- How being overweight messes your confidence and secludes you from the world (11:22)
- Why first responders struggle to ask for help and how to bridge that gap (13:21)
- The inspiring ripple effect of a Code Red Rebel on people around them (18:13)
- Why the Code Red Maintenance game is so strong (21:34)
- How to talk to people who are on the fence about weight loss (26:49)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released on January 27, 2020
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cristy 0:00
Cristy Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer, and welcome to another episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. As you can see, I’m doing an intro because I’m gonna turn you loose to listen to our next guest. I’m super excited about our next guest because she comes to us from a different background than we normally hear people and you guys know, do you guys know I’m completely obsessed with cops? I am. I want to be a cop so bad every time Myles hears me say that. He’s like, Christie. That’s ridiculous. And I’m like, Oh, hey, once I retired from Code Red, I’m gonna go be a cop. But I’ll probably be close to 50 by then. And every time I get pulled over which Thank You, Jesus is not very often I get recruited by the cop. You know, we’re looking for good police officers to join the department. I’m like, Yeah, I know that you know, but miles thinks I’m crazy. Anyway. I want to introduce to you Liz Weber. They call her lightning, Liz. And I’m just so excited that she has agreed to do an interview because she comes to us from a different background than we know normally. Here we are. She just’s very unique and different. And can I just do the spoiler alert? I don’t know. Should I just go ahead? And I gotta tell you because it is horrible for me to hear. But the other officers on the force called her fat but yeah, fat butt. And it’s awful. You guys is heartbreaking. So listen to her story. She’s going to paint a picture for you about what she went through as a motor cop as a police officer for 25 years. She is now retired. And she’s living her best life. She’s an author. She’s a speaker. And she’s doing her future is absolutely limitless at this point. So in such a great, she is a part of my VIP program, my rebel for life VIP program, which you can apply to if you’re interested. I am not doing open enrollment right now I’m full. But for the right person, I’ll make room for you. So Liz has done really well in the program. I’m so grateful that she’s on my team. So I present to you. Lightning Liz listen to her story. It is staggering what she went through and where she is now completely different. Anyway, thank you for listening. And here we go.
Intro 2:20
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poisoned. And we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Cristy 2:47
All right, welcome back, guys. Hey, you know, Liz, I’ve been trying to get I’ve been wanting to talk to Liz, actually, I’ve been wanting Liz to talk to all of you for quite some time.
Cristy 2:58
Liz has been with Code Red for quite a while now. And so I was able to finally get her on the video with you guys. She has got quite a story. And I’m going to just turn her loose and let her tell this story. Because I think you guys are going to be completely shocked when you hear the journey. And the everything that has happened to Liz in her and her life and taken her to this point right now where she’s standing in before you guys and talking to you. This is unlike anyone we’ve ever had on before. And this story is very unique. So Liz, I again, I’ve known you for a while now. And you’ve been you’re going on your second year in my VIP program. You want a VIP day with me. There’s just you’ve really inspired so many people, you’ve won the hearts of so many people in the community. But it wasn’t always like this. So take us back as far as you want to go to tell us your story. paint a picture for us. How did it all happen that you were us You were thin? And then you got big? And then the dead? Take us back? Tell us what happened? How did you get here?
Liz Weber 4:05
Well, first, it’s an absolute pleasure to be here. And you’ve inspired me and you’ve changed my life. But just let me tell you I’ve done 25 years as a police officer, and I was a street cop and I was out there for 25 years, you know, doing the grind and just absolutely loving every minute of it. I mean, that is my dream job being a cop out there helping people finding bad guys. I mean, just making the public a safer place. And I excelled at that. I mean, I just I absolutely love my profession. And so when I joined and I have a picture here I want to show you what I joined here I am in my 20s I’m on beach team being happy. I mean just you know life is good, right? And so I creep along for 25 years just doing what I absolutely love and at the pinnacle, the best part the dream job and I’m going to I show it to you. Motor cop, I was the only girl on my unit and talk about absolutely awesome. I mean, that’s just top of the world. But as I got further and older in being a police officer, I gained quite a bit of weight. And you know, it could be the stress of the job, it could be the drive thru that we’re going through in the middle of the night just to get something to eat, it could be all that sugar and that caffeine, and that comfort food that we eat just to function as a police officer. But I’m telling you wait, as a police officer, I mean, I have to be able to jump over a six foot wall, I have to be able to wrestle bad guys, I have to be able to be fit enough to survive out there in the field and to be able to function. So when I passed the motor Academy, I was overweight, and it was very difficult to move that motorcycle around and then just do the job. But I passed the motor Academy, I was on the eligibility list. But my weight, it just brought me down because the motor lieutenant in charge of the motor unit at the time, said there’ll be no fat chicks on motors. He said
he called me the fat but and so the old school motors ridiculed me. And I couldn’t make it to the motor unit. Because I was overweight. Now I could still do the job. And I excel at that. But wait held me back. So but I did make motors eventually, when he retired and I and I showed to them that I could prove myself I was the only girl on the unit. And so my last couple years I was on the motor life was wonderful. It was my dream job. I’ll tell you some of the symptoms that I had, and how it hurt. How I lost all hope. I’m talking about body pain. And I’m talking about not being able to physically do the job. Near the end of my career, I had to go over a six foot wall and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t physically go over the wall. And I had to ask for a younger officer to come and do it. And that was very embarrassing to say that over there as a police officer because we should be able to do the job. Well, once I retired after 25 years, I let myself go. I mean, I wasn’t working out. I wasn’t active. I pretty much de stressed and caught up on my sleep and just did what I wanted to do after serving for so long. And I could barely get off the floor anymore. I mean, I weighed 261 pounds. Oh, so this is a photo of me. Completely overweight, at 261 pounds. migraines, body ache, I was just losing myself. I pushed away my friends and family who were concerned about my health. I secluded myself and I just wallowed in that seclusion. I had lost hope. And I’ll tell you what changed it around. I mean, I was rock bottom, no hope. And my sister who’s going to be my accountability partner on Code Red, but my sister saw a code red Rebel on a journey to lose 100 pounds. So it’s that ripple effect. And it wasn’t just the weight loss. That rebel had positiveness happiness and that spark I mean, she just shone through. So my sister goes, who’s Cristy Code Red. So we started with reading your code red revolution book. We watched you on YouTube. And I’m like, Who is this energetic lady with a bright blue Mohawk. But what resounded with me was your message of hope and healing. I mean, take your life back and pick your heart. So my sister and I joined a 30 day 10 pound takedown challenge. That’s when the brain fog lifted. I just felt absolutely amazing. And the accountability of my sister both of us doing it, and it’s just the weight fell off. I mean, real food, water and sleep. I was unbelievable. That it was so simple. And it was easy. I mean, I mean ribeye steak and just hot but let me show you. I lost 121 pounds. Watch this.
Cristy 9:37
Oh my goodness.
Liz Weber 9:40
And I’ll tell you on my goal weight day. I was looking so forward to this. On my goal weight day. I put my skinny motorcycle clothes back on and I went on that motorcycle ride. I mean, life is wonderful. And it’s not about just the weight loss. I mean, I Went in thinking just about losing weight. The hope is back. The confidence is back. I just sparkle. I’m adventurous again. I’m outgoing. It’s just Cristy. It’s all you. You motivated me. My sister ally, just lost the weight together and life is wonderful. So thank you.
Cristy 10:25
This is such a great story. So Liz, you hit goal weight here a couple of months ago or so. ago.
Liz 10:32
I just don’t.
Cristy 10:34
It’s just amazing. And I know that you put on a pair of jeans that you had been saving for a while those Levi’s jeans if I remember right, that was a great day post about it.
Liz Weber 10:43
Thank you. That was my button fly jeans I wore in high school. But let me show you. I’m going to size medium of your COVID daughter.
Cristy 10:51
Oh my goodness.
Liz Weber 10:55
I’m saying I am Christie I went out on I extended my walk three miles. And I jogged almost a quarter of a mile. I haven’t done that in eight to 10 years. I mean, I went jogging. Wow. I’m just stoked. Like, I can do push ups on my knees. I haven’t done the full push ups like I used to do in the academy with full gear. But yeah, life is amazing.
Cristy 11:22
Well, it just so everybody knows I have the exact same joggers on right now. We live in him all the time. So you know, when I’m thinking about, I’m looking at you and you look so young. But yet you did 25 years on the force. And now you’re retired. And I really, if you look really young to me now You must have been really, really young and heavy. How did that affect your confidence level being heavy and so young?
Liz Weber 11:46
Well, it just, it just smothers you, I was outgoing, adventurous Heck, as a cop, I need to put myself out there and just help people. But it smothers you the confidence smothers you, it’s like you have a bubble around you that’s in closing in. And you missed that adventure, some outgoing personality that I love. I mean, I’m dynamic, and I just am full of energy. And I just want to go out and do that. And gaining the weight. It shut myself off from the world. I like i said i’m secluded and wallowing in that seclusion, and I’m missing out on life. And it hurts. I mean, when I was a motor, my forearms were three times as big as this. And my hands because I got a grip that controls on my long shift. At night, I was in so much pain with my hand inflammation that I had to rub traumeel ointment on my hands just to take the pain away so I can go to work the next day. And I was working at least six days a week with all the overtime and everything that I could barely function. I mean, I had to get on and off that bike and throw my leg over the saddle. And it was really, really hard to do that at 47. And then I retired at 50. And yeah, 50 and a half years old. And yeah, I’m 54. But I feel young, like back in high school again. I mean, I’m so excited about life right now. And you made that happen.
Cristy 13:21
Wow, I would have guessed you at my age 44. So that’s pretty. That’s pretty incredible. You have definitely aged backwards. So I noticed that even though we have the Code Red protocol, which is a weight loss for law enforcement and first responders and we have a hard time we seem to have a hard time breaking into that market and to be able to help the police officer, the firefighters, the first responders lose weight, why do you think we’re not able to see, we just can’t seem to get our message across of real food, water and sleep to these guys.
Liz 13:51
You know, you’re right, first responders. I mean, you’ve got the firefighters and the life guards and the probation officers but you also have the active military. And even men on Code Red. I mean, I don’t see very many guys on Code Red as well. And I guess if I can explain it, as a first responder, we’re the thin blue line, or out there to protect and serve. And we don’t cross that thin blue line to ask for help. I mean, we don’t want the embarrassment of having to ask for help. So I’ll tell you how I had to do it. I’ll tell you how I had to bridge that gap. Because here I am. I’m going to talk to you and ask you to coach me to lose my weight. As a civilian. I’m crossing into that realm. Hey, yo, I gotta do it. You have such a dynamic, charismatic personality. And you know what you’re talking about? And you’re so what I did is I twisted my brain. So you are my sergeant. You are my watch commander. Code Red rules and regulations are my policy and procedures. And I’m going to follow orders. And I’m not going to break those orders. So if I was just strict when it comes to Code Red , I would never break the rules. But you were like my Sergeant or watch commander, and I obeyed you, because it was my job. So I took it as a job. But Cristy, real food, water and sleep. I mean, it’s easy. I’ve had weight loss and regained weight loss and regained that I have lost hope. But it’s your delivery. It’s your no nonsense. Lead by example. It’s the way you do it. And the way that you care about your rebels. I mean, you put yourself out there, and it really really works. That does.
Cristy 15:50
That’s amazing. And I know that you’re part of the rebel for like VIP program that I’m I closed off the people, but people can do an application, how much is being that VIP getting that personalized treatment and you never use? I know the VIP they have access to me they can send me in a direct email or or questions, but I, I never hear like you don’t really need much from me anymore. But how much has that VIP access? Has that been a pretty big difference to you?
Liz Weber 16:19
Oh, it makes a world of difference. Okay, so the coach program is wonderful, but the rebel for life, especially the elite program that has access to you, because you’re still coaching us. And I need that accountability every single day. Because it’s not just about weight loss. You have mindset, different ways of thinking, you have such an amazing viewpoint on life. I have upgraded my life in so many different areas, listening to you and following your example. So rebel for life. It’s Let me tell you that money can buy health and happiness. You absolutely that money is there for your health. And I also look at it as an investment. And I’ll tell you why. Because every dollar I send you, you’re going to use that to help more rebels and you’re going to help more first responders and more active military. You’re going to put pour that money into Code Red and you’re going to reach more people with your hope and healing message. So rebel for life elite is top notch, you give excellent top notch service. And I just feel cared about. And it really, really works. And it hones in, I’m on maintenance now. But your accountability, I’m not going to disobey you. I mean, I am going to go toe that line. And I’m going to make it for the rest of my life. And that’s because I’m listening to you because you know what you’re talking about? Man? Well,
Cristy 17:51
you were the easiest person I’ve ever had come through the program because you because like you said you did everything I asked. I mean, you’d like bam, bam, I never had to worry about you cheating. So now that you have have lost so much weight and you’re so healthy, did your perspective of your future change? Are you kind of thinking you know what, maybe I want to do this. Now, now that there’s really no limit to what you can do.
Liz 18:13
There’s been you’ve inspired me here, there’s been at least three areas that I am completely working on right now. One is I have an a ripple effect as a code red rebel. I am influencing a lot of people around me. I mean, some of my top buddies, they don’t even recognize me when they see a photograph a recent photograph of me and some of them are asking, Hey, Liz, what are you doing? And if they’re ready to ask, maybe they’re ready to go see Cristy Code Red and be a code red rebel, but my ripple effect. I’ll tell you my mom and dad, my mom has lost 40 pounds. My sister, I mean my dad is is he’s down about 30 pounds. They’re not full code red. But they saw my sister and I and they see that spark that I had that dynamic wonderfulness that the real food, water and sleep have made me just feel so wonderful that happiness and positiveness. So the ripple effect, I’m also and you inspired me to write. Once I retired, I became an author. I’ve written three novels, and I’m working my fourth book. Now my fourth book is so powerful because I want to tell my story. And that story is an autobiography of me making motors. It took me 10 years to do that, to fight the fat butt comment and make it in a man’s world because I was the only female there so I’m putting my story out there. hopefully inspire other people that they can do it too.
Cristy 19:54
And do you want to tell us the name of your book?
Liz Weber 19:56
Well, I have two titles for it. It’s called the fat but one female police officer story to make it to the motor unit. But I also called it, is it worth it? So if you have a dream job, a goal, what are you willing to fight for? How hard Are you willing to get there when all the roadblocks happen and all the discrimination happens? And everybody who ridicules me and calls me the fat, but are you going to rise up to that challenge? So many things in society? Are you going to rise up to that challenge? What are you willing to fight for? So I’m, I’m already into it. And then, in a way, with your emotional eating, healing the new mindset videos, ending your toxic relationship with food. This book was a healing for me to get through that dark side of emotional eating, and to put out that positiveness. So it was healing and revealing. And it’s so powerful. My message, and I’ll tell you what’s really good about it is in between the chapters I have, I’m telling you all my adventure cop stories. So just again, let me just tell you, Cristy, you would make a great Yes, you would make a great cop. I mean, oh, yeah. I mean, you’re you’re you’re out there, just top notch, Brad. I mean, I’m just telling you, you’d be wonderful. Oh, my gosh,
Cristy 21:31
thank you. I just, I love it. You know, I know that one of the big and you tell me if I’m right. But one of the big selling points, I guess on Code Red is that we do have a very strong maintenance program. And now that you have been transferred into the maintenance program, I’m writing you guys pretty hard. Was that a pretty big selling point for you because you and I, we’ve lost and gained weight lost and gained, lost and gained. So we know you can lose the weight but keeping it off, we really train you how to keep that weight off. Was that a big selling point for you?
Liz Weber 22:03
Let me just tell you being in maintenance, it’s a whole nother Code Red journey. I mean, but it took me 18 months to lose that 121 pounds. But let me see, let me tell you how your program really, really works. All your coaches yourself, Cari all your leaders, you put out mindset videos, you put out how to end your toxic relationship with food, you have the what’s eating you program that breaks that cycle of emotional eating. So that length of time in weight loss mode, twist that brain around. Now, I’m on maintenance, I don’t care about that comfort, food, chocolate, Diet Coke, I don’t even want that. So just to tell you the first thing I wanted, when I reached maintenance, I had a half of an apple. And it was wonderful that I could do that. And so I don’t want that other stuff. So my brain has switched. Whereas the other programs on where I just went right back to weight loss mode, they don’t teach you that the psychological part of emotional eating it, stop those addictions and cravings that you have and that emotional dark, want to go get a bowl of ice cream and go you know, face first into it. That’s gone. All that wonderful videos that I have studied and watched and all the videos that I have researched. It’s like I went back to school again, cold read. It’s like I went back to school and I’m learning my master’s program on health and healing. That length of time has twisted all that dark negativity and positive. So I had my apple and I had my two tangerines and that was my indulgence and that’s as far as I want to go
Cristy 23:58
That’s amazing. I love it. Yeah on on Code Red we do we transfer you into a maintenance program once you reach goal weight and we teach you how to live there because anyone can lose the weight. But can you keep it off and Liz is gonna make sure that she keeps it off was so you have a nickname lightning Liz like Cristy Code Red lightning, Liz, what does that come from your cop days?
Liz 24:18
Well, I’ll show you. Yes, it did come from my cop days. But hey, I wear lightning green leathers. Okay, so this jacket is over 20 years old. So when I decided to become a police officer, I took a career development class to find out what I wanted to do in college, to the profession that I was suited to. Police officer was number two, just to make it fun. Number one was a military drill sergeant. Oh, yes. All right, and which actually totally fits. I mean, I would be perfect in that. And number three was a florist and I don’t know where that came from. But when I went, you know, I was a sophomore. And so when I when I went home that night I was thinking cop. I mean, your dad was a sheriff. None of my family was cop, African cop police officer. But that night when I was laying, laying awake thinking about what do I want to do in life, lightning struck me. I mean, it just struck me and in my soul, and I just vibrated with that surge of energy police officer, that became my dream job. So when I got the lightning, motorcycle leathers, and then when I first registered on social media, I mean, as cops, we don’t really do that you had to have a nickname, because you don’t want to be identified. So I said lightning Liz. And so that stuck just like your code red named lightning was stuck with me for 1520 years. And then it started when I wanted to become a police officer. And when you feel that lightning Spark, it’s just amazing that you found your direction in life. Minor lightning spark when I found Code Red when I when I found it, and it worked. It’s like your bright blue Mohawk. I mean, it’s just like is that it really, really works.
Cristy 26:17
I’m waiting for you to dye your hair. Liz, you’re gonna try one of these colors.
Liz Weber 26:21
Ah, hey, no, I get I get a number one on the size because I got my hair short, because I wore the motorcycle helmet. Yep. So I just kept it because it was short. And I don’t know I your Mohawk is absolutely awesome. I mean, I just what color is her Mohawk? You know, this quarter? I can’t wait. Because you know, you rock that Mohawk absolutely fits your personality. It’s just top notch. Great.
Cristy 26:49
I love this thing. So thank you. So what would you say to somebody? And there’s plenty of people who are on the fence that you talk to you talk to people all the time, your ripple effect is huge. What are you saying to folks when they are skeptical?
Liz Weber 27:02
Well, first off, they have to be ready. And they have to be able to want to ask for help. If they’re not doing that stage. I don’t talk to them yet. But those that look at you and say, Hey, what are you doing? Why do you feel so great? You look so great. I’d say the code red lifestyle, real food, water and sleep. You gotta check out Cristy code, red video. I mean, you’re on videos everywhere. And you just have free content. And that revolution book is like, wow. And I’ll tell you, I’m a writer. Now. Your writing style is amazing. It’s like you talk directly to us. And you could see your attitude in the way that you write. So you reach us, you’re down to earth, you’re real, you’re authentic, you throw it all out there. But you reach us and you talk to us in a in a language that we can understand and we need. We really all of us need you. I mean, you have such a great message for everybody. So I tell people, get your code, read revolution book, and do your 30 day 10 pound takedown challenge. Because you’re going to teach us every day with the videos and it’s so eye opening on what society is about weight and food. I had no idea and here I am a police officer with a lot of world knowledge. I had no idea. You don’t know the tracks of everything that you teach us. So I’m healthy and I feel great. And I tell they see that spark. And people join your 10 pound take down challenge. Commit for 30 days. It really works and you really know what you’re talking about.
Cristy 28:50
Well, I cannot even thank you enough for coming on here Liz and sharing your story with us guys. 10 pound takedowns calm is the place to go. If you want to dip your toe in that lifestyle and figure out if it’s for you. Really we think that real food water and sleep is the proper human diet it is for everybody. But you’ve got to be okay with my method of delivering this you’ve got to be okay with with my my coaching style. So 10poundtakedown.com the number 10 p o u n d takedown.com. Liz thank you again so very much. And guys, we will see you soon.
Outro 29:26
Thanks so much for listening to rebel weight loss in lifestyle. If you’re a code red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your Free Code Red lifestyle on the go guide. Then Now is your time to get a copy. This guide will teach you how to stay Code Red approved, even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now. All you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode’s show notes, and click the link to get your Code Red approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of Weight Loss and lifestyle