81-Find Your Tribe

What Is This Episode About…

This week, we are having a staff retreat. Hear what we have learned and noticed being around like-minded people. We had no idea how powerful this has been.

Being around people that lift you up and make you better than you are is very important if you are trying to achieve something. It gets so much easier to reach and maintain your goals when you are around such uplifting people who have the same goals as you. You feel their energy, which then inspires you to get better. It’s almost like a church camp experience.

During our staff retreat, besides having a good time, we learned a lot from each other and how the Code Red way of living and lifestyle has an impact on people’s lives. Surrounding yourself with your tribe gives you the strength to conquer your fears.

Some other observations we made from being around our tribe is the positive outlook everybody in the tribe has and the kindness. We are nonjudgmental because we have all been there; we struggled with weight but took our lives back.

Now, you may be thinking that you don’t have a tribe of like-minded people around you. Cristy and Cari advise that you may have to put in the effort to connect with a tribe. Maybe you need to arrange something or make plans, and people join you. You have to make an effort to find these people and connect with them.

Key Takeaways

  • Why you should surround yourself with people with similar goals (01:57)
  • Having a relaxing, calm time at the staff retreat (06:40)
  • How our amazing zip-lining experience went down (07:46)
  • How the Code Red lifestyle impacts people’s lives and empowers them (09:09)
  • Surrounding yourself with your tribe gives you strength (10:33)
  • Code Red rebels learn to carry their own stuff (11:32)
  • It’s so much easier to maintain your goals when you surround yourself with people with similar goals (12:40)
  • How to find your tribe (17:39)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released October 07 ,2020

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Cari  0:00  

So much easier to maintain your goals when you surround yourself by with people who have the same goals, guys, I don’t care if there’s a knitting group. I don’t care if that is a yoga group you go to every Saturday morning. I don’t care if there’s a Christian Bible study when you are around people that are drinking their water and eating real food. It’s so easy. It’s the church camp experience. 



I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poisoned and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. 


Cristy Code Red

Welcome back to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. I’m your host Cristy code, red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer. And for those of you who are not watching on YouTube, Cari Thompson is sitting right next to me and I’m super excited to be here. We’re gonna call this the rustic edition. Yeah, the rest of the stick. And by the way, I brushed my teeth so I should have Thank you so it should be


sorry about that.


Cristy Code Red  1:18  

This is so strange for us. I know that but this is so cool. You might be wondering what the heck is going on? We’re coming to you together from my Tamarack resort cabin. Oh, and the reason why we’re together is because this week we have been celebrating and we’re right in the middle of our staff retreat. You know Cristy and I think this census is a rustic addition I think we should just speak freely when do we not speak freely? But I wanted to and also those of you that aren’t aren’t watching we are wearing hats but stocking k stocking caps I mean it’s just a it’s just a great old time. I think I want to talk I would love to talk about being with people that lift you up that make you better than you are you don’t mean and the reason that she brings that up is because we have 16 staff members at the george w bush a stay at home here in tamarac I rented the home this is an all expense paid trip for the staff and the coaches to come and be together they were asking me for this and they were like we just want to be together we just want to be together really we don’t want gift card I don’t want


Cari  2:25  

this that we want to be around each other I think Cristy and because the nature of our job, we work online, so like there are people that I have two days ago that I have never met but i i know their faces intricately and there was yeah because we have staff meetings online and we see other online we see pictures we know each other but we don’t know each other


you know because the the house the house that I rented is so big everybody’s able to stay there together. It’s a giant kitchen a giant dining room a giant living room all these bedrooms and it’s so much fun as we all get to be together it’s really been awesome and I think we you get that many people who love the lifestyle and who promote the lifestyle and who live the lifestyle and breathe it it’s such a different feeling Chrissy it’s totally different than like, go into an a glow conference. glow. No one on your they’re like a GL o w Hey Siri, what’s up? You know, but it’s such a different feeling. When you get that many people like minded people together. It just changed it. First of all, it was really easy to shop because instead of doing the catering at first, I was just going to have all the meals and we always only two meals a day, but I was gonna have everything catered in. But it was really expensive. And I’m like, Ah, yeah, for labor, the muffins and orange juice. Like it was croissants, it was stuff that we don’t eat. And so we decided that Jade and I were just going to go to Costco and we were going to go to winco we’re just going to buy so $500 we bought food and actually is probably going to be a lot of food leftover because we’re right in the middle of it right now as we record this, and we bought it it was so easy meat and veggies and like nutpods and lots of bacon, and it was getting so bacon and sausage and eggs. It’s been amazing trying to eat and everybody’s just simple.


And I think it’s because everybody that’s here Cristy has successfully lost and maintained weight with the Code Red  lifestyle. So they have a different perspective than other people. They don’t worry about eating they don’t I mean, we enjoy it. Trust us. Like we love getting sausage. We’re like, Who’s cooking something? Yeah, I can’t wait. But it’s a different perspective. It’s, it’s Yeah, we’re gonna have a cup of coffee and we’re going to talk, we’re gonna have our meal and we’re going to enjoy each other. It’s not just about the consumption of food and surrounding ourselves with activities that have to do with food. For example, Cristy yesterday awesomely graciously gifted us a zip lining experience any of you that follow us on social media yet so you if you follow me, you’ll know that I had a ton of stories way more than I normally do. It was the whole zip lining day, not one of us ate one morsel of food the entire time. And we had water halfway through. So but you didn’t hear one complaint. You didn’t hear one person say, Boy, you could use some good some gorp some good old raisins or peanuts? Nobody said where’s the trail mix? Nobody said, Are there snacks at the top? Let me tell you, if that had not been code, red rebels, it would have been a different experience. And I those guys were even saying, well, everyone’s skinny here, everyone’s normal size, you know. And, and again, we’re not shaming anyone who is it. But it’s just a different experience. When you go out and do things with groups of people who believe like you, it’s a totally different experience. And I noticed like when in the morning show Cari a night and a couple of my family, we had to stay here at my cabin because there weren’t enough beds in the big house. We’ve been calling it. And so what we do is we wake up and we just go straight over there early in the morning, seven o’clock, six o’clock, you know, and everybody’s up and stuff. They’re all up. And yeah, they’re all up because they have so much energy working good. You’re working and stuff, you know, and, and so what we noticed was what I noticed and tell me what you think. So everybody had our water. And by the way, we have a code red lifestyle.com forward slash shop, you can get a water bottle, a code red 40 ounce stainless steel water bottle. But you can also have it engraved in something personalized for $10 more, right and thank the Lord, we all have personalized because we’ve got water bottles everywhere. And everybody’s got their own. And we just turned it around. And that’s mine. And so everybody’s sitting there and everybody so calm, and they’re just like, nope, nobody is just clickety Click, click, you know. And there’s no drama, there’s no, and they’re drinking their water. They’re sipping their coffee. There’s not this big urge to eat or a lot of commotion in the in the kitchen.


Yeah, it’s just very chill. And I think it’s just a group of people that we’re all used to working online. So we’re quietly working online and talking to so and so in laughing with so and so and then joking and then eating some bacon and then sipping some coffee. And it’s just nobody’s


like hngry Yeah, or Yeah, or just like eating everybody’s just show chill and relax and stuff. And then, and then Nancy gets up and starts making the bacon and then Jake gets up and starts making the egg bacon. Like it’s really calm and relaxed there. I think part of that has to do with the fact that we’re all just so healthy. And part of it is just we’ve just we’ve taken the aspect of needing that food, like our whole lives don’t revolve around the food. You know, we’ve visited with everybody we’ve learned about grandchildren, we’ve learned about vacations they’ve been on what their dog’s names are. It’s just been interesting also, because they have a different perspective on life. So I’m gonna go back to the zip lining, like walking, nobody complained. I you know, we made jokes. Nobody was like, I can’t get up this hill or I’m scared. It was all about being brave. And being strong. One of our rebels that was there doesn’t have a horrible fear of heights. And she just like a boss, conquer it like and let me just tell you those zip lines, Cristy’s gonna fly out today, they’re no joke, like, they’re I up, Cristywon’t be scared. But a couple times, I was like, I could snap tomorrow. And you know what I mean? Everyone’s like encouraging each other. We’re taking pictures. Nobody wants to be out of the pictures. Nobody’s like,


Unknown Speaker  8:26  

oh, cmo angle this way. Oh, I look.


Cari  8:30  

You know, like big, strong arms and had a good time and the perspective about the way you look and the way that you’re no one’s worrying. If no one was wearing makeup. Nobody cared when my mom braided everyone’s hair. You don’t I mean, it was just a it’s a different way of thinking of things. And it affects everything. And it makes me realize how much being a code red rebel and living this lifestyle affects everything from Hey, I’m just going to put a cap on and call it good today. Or I’m going to be casual. I’m just gonna go have fun with my friends that it’s not about what I look like. It’s not about what I’m eating. It’s not it’s just about enjoying that moment being in that moment with everybody.


And everybody there has lost at least 60 pounds, approximately, I’ve been kind of kind of keeping in my mind, like how much it really is. 60 is the minimum. And they all work for Code Red  now. And I think when you can lose and of course all the way up to what leashes like 135 pounds. She lost, you know, and there’s some people that has have lost quite a bit Oh 135 pounds for approach, Kristen. And I think when you lose that much, you really can’t you can do anything. And you know what Kristin said when we’re out there, she was getting rid of zip lines turns to me and she because she was kind of with my part of the pack. And she said Cari, a year ago I could have never done this. I could have not only because it’s quite a bit of hiking. She said not only could I not have hiked all day, I never could have gotten strapped in I would have been over though I don’t know if there’s a weight limit because


Unknown Speaker  9:57  

Yeah, right, right.


Cari  9:58  

I mean it’s probably 250 I’m guessing because our guide was a, you know, a moderately sized guy. So, but um, I, she said, I never could have done this a weight limit. This would have hurt my joints. I would have been scared to death. I never could have done the hike. I couldn’t have been without the food


Unknown Speaker  10:14  

for that long because you’re gone for a goodly amount of time, nothing


Cari  10:17  

to eat. And she was fine. Yeah, she was fine as she was amazed at the fact that she could do it, Christina. It’s amazing. Because another lady that was with us, Nancy bond, Nancy, it was afraid of heights and was new and set sign up for this. She said I wanted to do it, knowing it was going to be conquering something pretty major with her. But she was surrounded by her tribe of people that said, you know, you can do it. She says she drew strength, Oh, she was able to step off that platform because of everybody around her. And it’s no joke y’all. Like, it’s a couple of those platforms are like, it’s hundreds of feet down. It’s not like, oh, a little ledge, and I’m gonna run and I’m just gonna go It’s, it’s, it’s one of them, they call a leap of faith. And it really is a leap of faith


Unknown Speaker  11:03  

to just do it.


Unknown Speaker  11:05  

You’re like, well do or die.


Cari  11:06  

Let’s go. You know what I mean? But but having gone through that weight loss journey gave everybody the bravery and the confidence to be able to do something like this, that some procedures scary, and an Unknown, Unknown, you know, like, into the No, no. It really was. Another thing I noticed about being around this group of people is so much easier to drink my water,


Unknown Speaker  11:31  

because everybody is because


Unknown Speaker  11:32  

everybody’s drinking your water. And you’re constantly reminded, they all have their fingers through the loop, I wish I would have brought my water bottle here and there, just ship and ship. And another thing I noticed was you notice the kitchen counter is full of everybody’s little baskets of things. They bring their apple cider vinegar.


Unknown Speaker  11:47  

ultimates really good.


Cari  11:49  

They just bring in Cobra rebels learn. When you go places you bring your own stuff, you don’t just assume they’re going to have pure organic non GMO stevia. There, you just bring your own, you don’t assume they’re going to have apple cider vinegar for your morning drink, you just go ahead and bring your own. And everybody’s got their little individual baskets and individual piles, and they just line them up. And they’re not embarrassed to do that. No, they’re not like, Oh, she’s like, well, what is she? What is someone gonna think? Oh, bringing my stuff. Don’t even think about that Chrissy. And another thing is when they dish up something like an amount of food for themselves, and they don’t finish it, they just put it or they put a saran wrap over and put it away and they’re like, don’t finish it later. It’s okay. It’s just I guess it’s great because there are no rules. I know the code rebels have rules. But there is no society rules over us and nobody judges anybody for what they are eating or anything around food.


No, it’s so nice. If somebody knows no, and that’s what’s the best part is it so much easier to maintain your goals. When you surround yourself by with people who have the same goals, guys, I don’t care if there’s a knitting group. I don’t care if that is a yoga group you go to every Saturday morning, I don’t care if you’re a Christian Bible study, when you are around people that are drinking their water and eating real food. It’s so easy. It’s the church camp experience. It’s so easy. And it there is a certain strength you draw like for Nancy, we were like Nancy, you’ve done 100 things, then this, you’ve done hard things for this, then this, you can jump off that platform 10 people want ahead of you. The rope is not likely to snap this time. Yeah. And


another thing I noticed being around everybody, because we spend a lot of time just visiting, you know, it’s very present in the moment, the phone is silent, and face down and face down. And nobody’s paying attention to that. Because this is our chance to be together and to visit and stuff face to face. There’s something interesting, I noticed that the conversation is so positive, you don’t hear anybody complaining and we might tell funny husband stories, but we don’t sit there and go and drag on our husbands or our kids or like I tell you what, everything is so positive. We don’t we don’t talk about people that have left Code Red . We don’t talk about people that have gained their weight like we just are. It’s not a judgy group. enjoyable. We tell funny stories about childhood and getting spankings and funny. I had a couple of ICU nursing stories I had to tell and of course, you know, Cari Martin is a nurse practitioner. She was an ICU nurse for a long time. She has some jokes. Nancy actually worked with me Nancy bond as a baby when I was a very baby baby nurse. And she was like you were a good ICU nurse. I was like midday, but um, you know, and so we she was a secretary and a CNA she is so so we talk we told funny stories. Our sister Laura told dental stories. I mean, it’s just, it’s been so much fun. It is very positive. It is very positive. And everybody’s looking forward like at eight each morning. We’ve gone for a walk. And it’s really been fun to be able to go together. When you use the word walk, Christine, listen here folks. And Cristy says the word walk she doesn’t mean that Walk I said to her we need to have a definition. I go to the gym every day you guys and I almost died both days. It’s not a walk. You Don’t Have you guys ever received the Olympic power walking competitions


Unknown Speaker  15:14  

when they’re like


Cari  15:15  

they look so painful because they’re walking so fast you think my god break into us football a slow drug daddy slow job it’s going to be easier is I was going slow frizzy I was making my arms out and we don’t believe that we don’t believe that exercise has anything to do with weight loss but we do believe once you’ve been in maintenance that you do need to exercise every morning and so much fun to be together and what isn’t and today Cristy did slow down while I did I tried to get him on but I got I got feedback from yesterday’s walk that it was


Unknown Speaker  15:48  

it was positive feedback. I


Cari  15:52  

no one wanted to go today because Cristy walks through or the day before, and I was like, hey, Chrissy, can we just redefine the word walk?


Unknown Speaker  15:58  

we redefine the word.


Unknown Speaker  16:01  

I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just saying for people that don’t go to the gym all the time. I noticed people woke up the second morning and they were they had slippers on stuff. And I was like we’re getting ready to leave. I was like, okay, so you’re not doing this with us? No, I think I’ll stay here. I’m like, yeah, chicken, chicken. But it was fun. It was it was


Cari  16:22  

fun. No matter what like we say here we walk we walk through the door. It was Yeah, it was fun to see people. I felt very bonded with some of the employees that I went ziplining with yesterday Cristy’s not get to go with my mom and I just timing Chrissy, my sister with the group today, Christina Lauren. But what was interesting, Cristy was I felt like we really had a cop a time to have some authentic conversations. While we were hiking. That sounds crazy. But we talked about the expectations of the way we look and how can we be more authentic to the coder of rebels? How can we know that? Let people know that are watching. We struggle with the same things you struggle with and and we have moments that we don’t. And I was like, I just worry that people look at me and think I’m not right. And then one of the other ways goes, the minute I saw you, I was like, I want to look like Harry. So I was like we all are. So it was just good to have those authentic conversations about how we feel about ourselves. And because there’s always a piece of the person that you were when you were heavy that stays with you. And I think it’s interesting to acknowledge and be like, Hey, factary you’re okay, you know, it’s okay, we’re gonna move on. And it was good to know that other people are as screwed as right as I think I am. It was it was good. It was good no matter what the conversation was. So you might be watching this right now. And you’re thinking like I’m talking about No, that’s not what is bacteria joined us. So we might be thinking, well, I don’t have people like that around me. Let me tell you that half of this group flew in. Yep, to do this. Yep, half of our group as far as Texas, up in Oregon, Washington, Utah, they flew in to do this. They got childcare bought airline tickets now that the retreat and it was all expense paid. all they had to do was get there. They picked each other up from the airport, they carpooled in, they rented cars, whatever they had to do, they did to get here they put out the effort. And that’s might be what you have to do. If you want to go to church camp, you know, if you want to go if you want to get with people that are like you, maybe you need to arrange it, maybe you need to make the plans and then people join you. But don’t just automatically discount it say whatever, buddy, that’s Code Red  that I want to hang out. They’re not around me. Maybe you need to plan something. I’ll never forget Cristy This reminds me of something. And this goes back to what we’re talking about. Chrissy and I had an event that went terribly wrong. And we had to reschedule it. And people were like, I’m not coming to South wherever to see you. It was miles away. And I thought to myself, it was just a few disgruntled people and Cristy knows what I’m talking about. And I thought to myself, if it were important, you would make the time and effort to come see Cristy to come to this event. Oh, I’m not coming across town at five o’clock on a Saturday. Well, so I what I’m trying to tell you guys is come across town at five o’clock on a Saturday. You know, it’s not going to be like, well, they don’t have they don’t have a chapter at my church. So I’m not going maybe you have to get in your car and go, maybe you’re going to have to maybe you’re going to have to drive maybe you’re going to have to research maybe you’re gonna have to do what’s uncomfortable and go by yourself. Maybe you’re going to have to get on your Code Red  rebel page our pages and say who lives in South Texas. Hey, vibe of yo Can we meet at Denny’s for coffee you know what I’m saying? It’s gonna take some effort it’s gonna take some uncomfortable


Unknown Speaker  19:43  

let me be honest with you


Cari  19:44  

would I initially not now rather have just come to the cabinet set in visit with Cristymy mom all weekend and my sister.


Unknown Speaker  19:51  

Well, of course I know


Cari  19:52  

them. But now that I’ve gotten to spend a little more time with the ladies. I’m in love. I want to be over there. But initially, it’s uncomfortable for them. It’s uncomfortable for Everybody, because we’re putting ourselves out there in a way that we’ve never


Unknown Speaker  20:03  

done before, you know, it’s easier to stay holed up in


Cari  20:06  

your room. You’re the norm. The well beaten path is always easy. Your tire doesn’t want to run over to the other path. It wants to stay in the same one. So there’s going to be some five o’clock across town moments. Yeah, and we just do it. And and we are We put a lot of effort into making sure that we do covert events, even through COVID. We have to make our corporate events smaller, we still make them more often so that you do have a chance to meet with like minded people. It just is going to take effort on your part. I can’t come to Vermont to be what you know, I can’t come to a you know, so we’ll we’re Minnesota, you know, like your Walmart Wilmer, Willmar, Minnesota trying to think of a name that, you know, I can’t come to your small town. And just for you, you’re going to have to put some effort come my way a little bit. I’m trying to create these covert events for you. You might need to create your own. Get together with your people. Yeah. And that’s perfectly fine. Even if a group of us single moms that go walk every Saturday morning. Yes. Like it’s still you guys making the effort. And it’s still you being around like minded people, and it’s going to be uncomfortable. Yeah. And then it’s going to be okay. And you’re going to be glad that you did it. Yeah, exactly. Now, I’m like, let’s go to the house and see who’s up for coffee. And all the lights are off this morning. I thought, oh, they’re sleeping. And we come in and everyone’s awake.


Unknown Speaker  21:30  

And their little


Unknown Speaker  21:31  

new jammies. Little jammies and slippers are so cute. They’re all this big.


Unknown Speaker  21:37  

extra small jammies. They’re so tiny.


Cari  21:42  

I guess the biggest thing that really made a big impression is how non judgmental everybody is. Everybody’s show. Kind because here’s the deal. Oh, we’ve all been there. Yep, we’ve all a server. Every single one of us. We’re happy. Every single one of us took our lives back so we understand where you are right now. If you are watching this and you are trying to figure it out, we get it and there isn’t one person on that team not one person on Cristy’s team that’s gonna stand there and go huh yeah, not one No, not one. Because the Bible says don’t don’t judge unless you want to be judge that’s right a fun place to be No, man that’s so true. No, they love us Chrissy they love you right where you are. Yeah, they love you makeup no makeup walking way too fast.


Unknown Speaker  22:32  

There’s a forest. Just so you know.


Cari  22:34  

It was it was so fast that that Jesus appeared to me he’s like keep going


Unknown Speaker  22:42  

you can do this. I was like Jesus


Cari  22:44  

Take me home. He’s like, I have plans for you on this earth. I just want you to know and then around the corner the angel Gabriel was like fear not keep walking. So it was it was rough. But But even with that with Cristyand with her teasing and us doing push ups on the floor yesterday, they love us. They love us if they’re not doing push ups. They just they love you and that’s how Code Red  is we love you where you are just where you are no cleanup needed no nothing You don’t need to do anything. We love your skill eaten Diet Coke drinkin hiney we love you right where you are we do and that’s the great thing about Code Red is you can start by just drinking your water you don’t have to eliminate everything like to right now we would like you to but even if you just start drinking your water and will the good will crowd out the bad eventually the best place to definitely get started as a 10 pound takedown we have the monthly Yeah, and we are next one you can register for our next one. So as soon as we start a challenge we open up registration for the next one. Yes, and you can you can register and even though we’re actually not beginning till x date you can start beginning on your own because you get all the paperwork and everything you haven’t started on your own just start following the rules. It’s really simple. We encourage you to get into a challenge and know the best way to go yeah really a great way to see if you like the lifestyle totally or and see if you like the way we coach because I have a certain level of expectations and I’m going to actually expect of you what I know you can give right? Absolutely. Oh, we hope you love this as this rustic the rustic addiction edition addiction or addiction, I think Sure, yeah. rustic edition of the rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Love you guys. We can’t wait to have you on the lifestyle. And yeah, leave a rating and review. We’d love to share this podcast. And that was different. Yeah, different is good. If you’re listening. just embrace it. Guys embrace the difference. Yeah. Are you guys okay? Take care. Bye, everybody. Thanks so much for listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. If you’re a code red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your Free Code Red lifestyle on the go guide. Then Now is your time to get a copy this guy We’ll teach you how to stay Code Red  approved, even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode show notes and click the link to get your Code Red  approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.