“It must be my genetics. I have the fat gene.”
Ever thought that about yourself?
You’ve tried everything to lose weight and haven’t been successful.
Or you’ve been heavy for as long as you remember.
What else could it be besides genetics?
That’s a question I’m about to answer, because the concept that genetics are why you’re fat and there’s nothing you can do is a lie.
Do genetics play any role whatsoever in your body composition?
Yes, they do. My sister, Cari, and I are more muscular than most women our height. Our bone structure’s a little bigger.
That’s why my ideal weight of 154 pounds looks fantastic on me.
A lot of women my height would look chubby at 154 pounds, but at their ideal weight that’s lower than mine, they look great.
Meanwhile, if I were at their ideal weight, I’d look sickly and feel miserable.
That’s an example of where genetics is a factor. It determines your natural shape. My natural shape is muscular.
And yet, obesity also runs in my dad’s side of the family. So even though I’m strong and carry a lot of muscle, I could easily get fat (and for a while, I did, until I figured out why, no matter how much I exercised, I couldn’t get my weight off).
But despite the fact obesity seems to “run in our family,” I’m not fat anymore. Neither is Cari, who got up to 260 pounds at one point.
We both got our weight off – and are keeping it off – through NUTRITION. Through real food, water, and sleep.
Not exercise. Not diet pills or shakes or patches or mail-order frankenfood – none of that crap.
What’s more, this is not just true of Cari and I.
I’ve got thousands of Rebels who’ve been heavy for as long as they could remember, yet with real food, water, and sleep on the Code Red Lifestyle™, they’ve lost ALL the weight they wanted. Not 5 pounds, not 15 pounds, but ALL of it.
Even though nothing else worked.
Even though some had their doctor say, “It’s just how you’re built.”
It is NOT “just how you’re built.”
It’s that your body isn’t getting what it needs to release the weight and feel better.
It’s that simple.
I know you’ve tried a lot of crap to lose weight, and you may feel uneasy about getting your hopes up again.
A lot of successful Code Red Rebels – almost all of them – felt the same way when starting Code Red.
People like you, who’ve tried it all and don’t believe anything that will work exists, are exactly who I created the 10 Pound Takedown for.
It’s only $47 for 30 days of nutrition and mindset training that will show you EXACTLY why you haven’t been able to lose your weight and keep it off.
You’ll discover the eye-opening truth about sleep, cholesterol, dietary fat, sugar, diet soda, gluten, and SO much more.
The deck is SO stacked against you, and in ways you’re not even seeing. The lie that “genetics” are why you’re fat is just one more lie that’s used to blind you to the power you have to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK and get your weight off once and for all.
Let me make the invisible, visible to you. It’s stuff you can’t unlearn, and it will forever transform the way you see food and weight loss.
And while you’re at it, you’ll get to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years.
Click the red button below to check out and join the 10 Pound Takedown. Free yourself from lies like “genetics are why you’re fat.”