72: Addressing Criticism Of The Code Red Lifestyle


What Is This Episode About…

In this episode, I respond to the most frequent criticisms of the code red lifestyle and the code red revolution book. I normally go through all the reviews to look out for any constructive criticism that can help improve the programs and improve the customer experience here at Code Red. However, there are some negative responses that aren’t constructive and are best ignored.

The first criticism that I address is that some people claim I tell people not to exercise. This is not true. What I tell people is that you cannot exercise off your weight problem. You can exercise for many reasons but exercising to lose weight is not one of them. Nutrition is the way to address a weight problem.

The second most frequent criticism is that the Code Red revolution book is full of success stories. This is true here are a bunch of success stories in there. These are meant to show real people in real-life situations who overcame their weight problems. This is a powerful way of motivating people and showing them that it can be done. People like you did it and you can do it as well.

Another criticism that I get frequently is that the book doesn’t come with an actual plan. This is not the case. In chapter 12 of the book, on page 143, I talk about the rules of Code Red and the actual plan to the Code Red Lifestyle. I talk about this for 20 pages and give advice on what foods to eat and which foods to avoid. I teach you how to think critically and eat the proper human diet without spoon-feeding you.

Listen in to this episode and hear how I address these and other common criticisms of the Code Red Lifestyle and how I’m open to honest conversations that can improve the Code Red Lifestyle. 

Key Takeaways

  • Debating and disagreeing respectfully like adults (05:17)
  • Responding to the criticism that Cristy tells people not to exercise  (07:06)
  • Why the Code Red revolution book is full of success stories (12:13)
  • Where to find the actual plan and rules of Code Red in the book (15:18)
  • How to think critically about food and eating the proper human diet (17:45)
  • How the book gives you all the information you need to lose weight (20:46)
  • Why the Code Red Lifestyle is different from keto (24:46)
  • Code Red is all about playing the long game and healing (28:18)
  • The best way to get started with Code Red Lifestyle (29:51)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released August 05, 2020

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


Cristy  0:00  

Are we doing things wrong? Are we missing the boat? How can we improve if somebody comes to me honestly, and is respectful and kind and has a respectful, kind, suggestion or feedback, I want to listen to it. I get a little over 100 DMS per day on Instagram. If you just want to scream at me and call me names, I’m not going to listen to you. But if you have a helpful suggestion for me, my gosh, I’m going to listen to those because I am here for you.


Intro  0:29  

I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food pulls the power to heal or poisoned and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.


Cristy  0:56  

Welcome back to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. I’m your host Cristy Code Red, author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer about pop Ha ha, ha, and owner of Code Red. I want to thank you guys so very much for the ratings, the reviews, sharing this podcast. You know, speaking of sharing, sharing the podcast episodes or sharing the podcast in general, is a really great way to let me be the bad guy. You know what I’m saying? Like if you’re trying to explain something to somebody about something that you know, and I’ve done a podcast on it, for crying out loud. Just let me just share that episode. Let me be the person that explains it. Let me be the bad guy, especially if you’ve got somebody like a friend or family member or co-worker who doesn’t believe like in a high-fat lifestyle while I happen to do a podcast about the high-fat lifestyle. Just share that episode with them. It’s like your kids, right? Your kids come to you and they say, You know what? Sally invited me over for a sleepover. But mom, I just don’t want to go well Tell her that I said you can’t go. I’ll be the bad guy. Like parents. You guys know you don’t mind. And of course, your daughter goes, Sally, my mom won’t let me come over and you just blame it on the mom. Well blame it on me. Let me be the person to explain to your friend or your family or your coworker, the truth about whatever via my podcast. And that just takes you out of the picture. Oh, you know what, just sharing it. Everybody loves podcast, they love to listen to him You can listen to while you’re putting your makeup on. You can listen to him in the car, you can listen to him while you’re running. You can listen to him anytime. Anytime. I love listening to podcasts. And it’s so convenient. It’s just I can listen to them all the time anytime. And if you just share that episode with them, then you are taken out of the equation. Let me This is my zone of genius. Okay, this is what I do. Let me stay in my zone of genius and explain it to that person. What you’re trying to explain. We have our core foundation. values and beliefs. And this is what I do. You know, like, if I break a pipe, I’m gonna call a plumber. If I break my leg, I’m gonna call an orthopedic surgeon, stay in your zone of genius. I’ll stay in mind, this is what I do. So let me be the one to help you if you just sent me there 60 some episodes at this point. So we talk about everything sometimes I think, how are we going to figure out more things to talk about? And then I see people who have hundreds of podcast episodes I’m like, Well, I guess there’s always something to talk about. And today


I am addressing criticisms of me my code red revolution book and the code red lifestyle. My business coach James Friel says never waste a crisis. And there are one star ratings and reviews on Amazon of my code, red revolution book, not very many. I mean, obviously the majority of them are good reviews. But a couple of the people got on there and they just, you know, they just ranted and raved about how they hate This book and hate me and hate the code red lifestyle and the majority of the people I don’t make a habit of going on and just reading one star reviews, but I do want to know if there is a constructive criticism. If you know like if there’s something that someone could really truly learn from, I do want to know that I anytime we get, you know, I shouldn’t call it hate mail but you know, the negative responses from people into our customer service department or if I receive it in my mailbox or something into my PO Box. I do listen to them. Now if it’s somebody just getting on there and calling me names and making fun of my hair and saying that I look like a man I get a lot of people to say I look like a man or that I you know that I prefer a different sexual I have a different sexual orientation or however I’m trying to say that really nice, which I don’t know why they think that they’re criticizing me when they say that like I just go whatever. Like you know, you look like a man you know, okay, okay, like If you’re getting on there just making fun of me, I’m not gonna listen to that. But if you have something that you truly want to say that you are confused about or that just doesn’t make sense or something that you felt was misleading My gosh, I will listen to that never waste a crisis. And this what I’m doing with this episode what what I’m doing with this episode is I’m taking the top most frequent criticisms of me the code red lifestyle and the code red revolution book and I’m just going to talk about it. Let’s talk about it. Like grown adults, respectful, mature conversations. People in our society nowadays do not know how to do this. They don’t know how to debate they don’t know how to disagree, respectfully. And of course, I think the proper human diet is right for everybody because this is a the proper species specific diet that we eat, what we’ve been eating for a millennia, you know, before the standard American diet came along and started screwing things up. But there are people that have criticisms of it. So let’s talk about it. Let’s I’ve got the code red revolution book right here in front of me, and we’re going to reference it. And let me start off I’ve got right here in front of me, I’ve got them written down. And let me just explain some things. I’ll tell you honestly, what people are saying and what they what I think they think. And I’ll tell you kind of what I think about that, or how to how I’m going to address that, and how we can move forward from there. Some people on Amazon that gave me a bad rating and review, they were people I recognize their names. They were people that you know, that got in trouble for cheating on the code, red lifestyle. You know, you can’t order Domino’s Pizza every other night, and drink a bottle of wine with it and expect to be able to lose weight. And when you get called out on those actions, you know, we at Code Red, we hold you accountable for your actions, and we hold you accountable for your bullcrap. And some people that criticize me and the code red revolution book, they were people that got called out on their bullcrap. So you know, what do you do with that, but there are Some people that had some, you know, like, just kind of a repeated criticism. So let’s talk about the first one that I hear often is Christie tells people to not exercise. Guys, I am an exercise physiologist. I have been in this industry over 25 years in the first half of this. My career was as a personal trainer. At one point I held nine certifications in different areas of fitness. I trained celebrities in New York City, I was voted the number one best trainer in New York by Allure magazine and featured in that magazine I trained Katie Couric. I trained Peter Shankman and Ethan Hawke and Claire Danes I trained some of the top authors and and producers and musicians and I was one of the bests and then I came back to Idaho. You know I would never have been offered the job is Jillian Michaels replacement on the biggest loser had I not been a good trainer.


I am an athlete. I spent almost eight years as a professional boxer at 154 pounds fighting all over the world at 15 Pro fights, two world titles, and five knockouts. I am an elite level athlete. After I got a boxing, I immediately switched over into cycling. I still hold records in the Treasure Valley and other places for my riding. So I think it’s funny that people act like I’m so against exercise. I exercise every single day. It is a major, major part of my life and if you follow me at all on any social media, you know this. I have never and will never tell anybody to not exercise. I will never say that to people. I will never tell them to stop exercising. What I will say what I have said what I do say and what I always say That exercise has nothing to do with weight loss. It is impossible to exercise off your weight problem. I know I’ve tried. That’s how the Code Red lifestyle was born was me exercising three to five hours a day, every day, six days a week, and still being fat. It was only until I changed my diet and lost the weight that I realized exercise has nothing to do with weight loss. It is absolutely impossible. And that’s what we were taught. It’s not your fault. I mean, you were taught in grade school in high school and college and medical school and nursing school. You just need to move more. You just got to exercise more guys we have we have a B six month old babies. You’re telling me they need to exercise more. No, this is not an exercise problem. There’s no way we’re going to be able to exercise our our way out of this obesity epidemic. 77% of Americans are overweight and 44% are obese. There’s no way and this is why I turned down that job on the biggest one I don’t believe in making 354 5500 pound individuals exercise box jump run five miles a day. To me, that’s just not the training model that I subscribe to. I don’t think that’s the right protocol for morbidly obese people. Is exercise healthy? Yeah, for a million other reasons it is not a way to address your weight problem. So no, I do not tell you to not exercise if you exercise because to fight depression or to fight bone density loss or to get away from your kids, whatever reason you exercise, I support that. That’s fine. As long as you understand, you do not get to eat more. Eating for weight loss and eating for performance is different. Eating for weight loss is different. If your exercise program was working, you would not be overweight. Your Way isn’t working my way works. So yeah, you can exercise for all kinds of really great benefits and There are a ton of great benefits. But it is not going to help you with your weight loss. Do you I make myself clear here. But I have never told someone to not exercise and I’ll never say that. I’ll just make them aware that’s totally fine. Karen, as long as you understand that you’re talking about two conflicting goals, you want to eat for weight loss, you want to eat for performance, you understand that you cannot eat more just because you ran 2.2 miles. That’s just not the way it works. Or you wouldn’t be fat or there wouldn’t be fat athletes. I was a fat athlete. I mean, you look around you go into a CrossFit gym. The majority of the people there are overweight, but yet they’re so strong. I mean, I have a girl that used to be my friend. She’s been doing CrossFit for over two years straight and she’s still 30 to 40 pounds overweight. Every time I see a picture of her I just go and she does CrossFit faithfully, five days a week for two straight years without missing one day and busting her butt in there busting her butt and yet, she’s still 40 pounds overweight. So it’s a real like, it’s just not not the way you address a weight problem. No. Nutrition is the way to address the problem. Okay. So I do not tell people to not exercise. The next criticism I get is the book is just full of a bunch of success stories. This is what they’re talking about my code red revolution book came out in December of 2017. The Code Red revolution book, the criticism is, is just full of a bunch of success stories. Well, first of all, no, it’s not just a bunch of success stories. There’s all kinds of really great things in the code red revolution book. But yes, I do have a whole bunch of success stories in there. Absolutely. And why is that? Because you people don’t believe what they hear. They believe what they see. And in order for something to resonate with you, I’ve got to provide Success Stories of Real People with real life stories real life struggles, real honest problems that they overcame, and got healthy. Because someone in there is going to resonate with you. And by you seeing somebody’s success story, you’re gonna realize that you can do it too. By you reading Hey, look like Cari Thompson, Cari Thompson’s in my book and she’s gonna be in my next book too, because she’s kept her weight off for many, many many years and she’s a tremendous success story, carry her turning point and a lot of you guys know this was the fact that she was asked to leave a roller coaster at Six Flags because she couldn’t fit in the seat and the seat belt could not fit over her. The roller coaster story you guys all know the roller coaster story. Well, somebody is gonna read that and they’re gonna go oh my gosh, that’s totally me. That happened to me. I was so embarrassed. I had to get up off the roller coaster in front of everybody and dozens of People were watching a staring at me. And it was so big that I was asked to leave the roller coaster. You know, my mom, my mom lost 40 pounds on Code Red and has kept it off. She’s been staying at 125 pounds for years now. She’s 67 years old, you might hear her story of her arthritis pain. And that whole journey. Well, I guess I’m just going to be at bat Grandma, you might hear that story in there. And you’re gonna say, Oh my gosh, that totally resonates with me. There are so many stories in here. There’s a story in here about a lady who lost a child, two people, Cassie Adams lost a child. There are lots and lots of men and women and lots of stories in here and grandmas and aunts and uncles and couples. That’s why I include success stories, because that’s where it’s going to get real for you. That’s where you’re going to be able to relate. And that’s where you’re going to draw the strength and realize that you can do it because so and so did it because you see so as well. So So can do it. That story very closely matches mine. I can do it. So there are quite a few success stories. But that’s not the only thing in here is a ton of great stuff in the code red revolution book, a ton of great stuff. And speaking of the book


here’s another criticism. The book does not come with an actual plan. The Code Red revolution book, here’s the statement does not come with an actual plan. Well, I beg to differ. Because on page 143, Chapter 12. Here are the rules. You’ll see the actual plan to the code red lifestyle, not only do I spell out the rules for you, not only do I list them all on the first page of chapter 12, but


then I explain each and every rule it goes on for 20 pages. Each and every rule I explained why we believe what we believe I explained Why the rule is significant? How you do it, how you don’t fall into the trap how you don’t you know, all the way through the chapter the whole chapter 12 is explaining to you the plan of the Code Red lifestyle because without knowing the rules, the rules are a part of the plan and see rules you’re gonna have rules no matter what you do. You’re gonna have rules on Jenny Craig Murray azzaman. On Nutrisystem is gonna have rules for you. Okay, Oprah owns part of Weight Watchers, there are rules to Weight Watchers, there are rules to Isagenix, there are rules to paleo, there are rules to keto, there are rules to all kinds of diets out there, there are rules to whole 30 everything has rules, you’ve got to be able to understand the rules, so you understand how to do the program. So the plan is right here. And then you’ll notice on page 162, you see the food list the What do I eat list? This is the whole food list. What do I eat? What am I Avoid, this is the plan. Now I think what people are saying is they want a very specific, you know, I want you to eat exactly four ounces of chicken breast and exactly nine ounces of broccoli. I got How am I going to do that when I have a millions, millions of people reading the book, from my lips to God’s ears, right? Hundreds of thousands of people reading the code revolution book. And I’ve got an 89 year old grandma or I might have a 329 pound x linebacker, I don’t know who’s reading the book. So for me to say you need to eat four ounces of chicken breast that might not be right for that person. Maybe it’s right for that person. It’s an individualized, you know, but more importantly than that, the reason I don’t give individual exact specifics in the book is because I do not want to spoon feed you. My job is to teach you how to think critically. That way no matter what point in your life. If you know how to eat the proper human diet, meat, vegetables, nuts, egg seeds, seafoods and fat, you know how to eat a species specific, proper human diet. If I spoon feed you, you won’t know what to do if you go into a 711 in Des Moines, Iowa, how do you know what to do? But by giving you categories, you can walk into a 711 and say, Okay, I’m hungry. Chrissy said eggs are okay. Alright, so eggs is a category that I can have. So here is a prepackaged hard boiled egg at the 711 great, I’m gonna grab that Christie said that seeds are okay, well, here’s a package of sunflower seeds. I’m going to grab that. Cristy said that meat Well, here’s some dehydrated meat in the form of beef jerky. I’m going to grab that. Okay. Cristy says avoid any kind of juice. All right, well, I’m not going to get a Gatorade because you know those are loaded and sugar. Chrissy says avoid processed foods food All right, well, I’m not going to get the hot pocket. Like it teaches you how to think critically On your own no matter what situation you’re in. So, to say that the book doesn’t give you a plan, you’re wanting to be spoon fed. And I’m just not going to do that there are plenty of companies out there that want you to be a repeat offender. They want you to need their shake their pill, their diet, food delivered to your door, they want you to maintain your subscription to their service, so that you keep your weight off. But what happens if you run out of shakes, you gain your weight back because you were never taught to eat the proper human diet. You were never taught the nature of the trap, and I can’t lay my head down at night knowing that I did that. I can’t do that to people. I’m not it’s not about making money. As much as it is about making sure you don’t regain your weight. We don’t have a weight loss problem in this country. We have a weight regain problem. So my job is to teach you how to think critically not spoon feed you and we have seen that by giving people categories of food It is easier for them to just pick the foods within those categories that they like. You might not like cauliflower, I like cauliflower. You might not like broccoli, you might not like pork chops, but you like ground beef. You pick the foods within those categories, and you will be able to eat that proper human diet for the rest of your life. And you’ll be able to circle back around to Code Red. If you find yourself up a little bit in your way you can circle back around, revisit the rules and get your weight back down. So, no, I’m not going to spoon feed you. But I do have everything you need in this book. And that’s a pretty good segue to the next criticism that I get. Christie makes you buy a custom program if you want any information.


Well, nobody makes you buy anything. All right, nobody’s making you do anything. You don’t say that. But that is one that I get. There are many, many, many, many people who have lost a tremendous amount of weight gotten off medication. and heal their body through just the code red revolution book. They didn’t even do a challenge. People ordered the code red revolution book off Amazon had it delivered in two days, lost weight and heal their body just through the book. The book gives you the entire program. So you don’t need to buy a custom program. In order to heal your body. You need to start eating the proper human diets, you heal your body, you need to start getting your water and getting your sleep. This is basic stuff here. So no, but I am a businesswoman. And if you want to take it a step further, I’m not running a charity here. If you want to take it a step further, you can get a fully customized program for 997. Yes, I do offer that you’re going to fill out a 33 question questionnaire. It’s going to be very, very, very detailed. I am going to custom write exactly how many calories you need and how many grams of protein fat carbs, sugar, how much Water when to drink your water. I’m going to make sure that I outlined everything exactly how what your goal weight should be, I’m going to make sure that I give you exactly how much you can expect out every week, every month. exactly when you can expect to hit goal weight. I mean it is granular I take it down to the nubbins. The kids used to say, down to the nubbins and Christie Yeah, down to the nubbins. I do give you a very specific instructional video where I go through the custom program book with you page by page by page. You do spend time three months in a custom program group where you are being coached by the certified coaches, Cari me and Cassie, where we are on you 20 hours a day, 20 hours a day. You are going to be turning in your weight every Friday to me and I do expect you to lose at least 1% of your body weight a week. Yes. So I do offer that if you want to skip to the front of the line and you want that real customized specialized attention where you can lose 10% of your body weight every month. You Yeah, and that does come with a 997 price tag, I got a staff of 61. All right, it takes money to keep the doors open. And those things cost money. And the fact that you’re saving 50% on groceries, you’re saving on medications, you’re taking your life back. You’re, there’s so many things that happen, that you heal your body. It’s a screaming deal. So no, you do not have to buy the custom program. Even with the $47 10 pound takedown challenge that we have every month, you can get a tremendous amount of value for that tremendous amount of value and let alone win over $2,000 worth of prizes. It’s a lot of fun and a challenge. So you have a lot of resources to you. You do not have to buy a custom program in order to experience hope and healing in your body. This code red revolution book will take you through it. We wanted this book to have the complete program in it and it does, it’s everything you want to know everything but if you want to know the specifics about you Yeah, that’s gonna take a custom program. Yeah. And you’ll come to me if you’re ready. I’m ready to write your program if you’re ready to do it. I do expect 100% compliance so don’t come to me if you think you’re gonna beep boop boop or Domino’s Pizza. No, you got to be a rock bottom you need to be ready. You need to be ready to never go around this weight loss mountain again, but saying that makes you buy a custom program if you want any info that is simply not true. My YouTube channel is full of info. This podcast is great info my Instagram I do Q and A’s in there all the time. I’m always doing code, read quick tips. I give you a lot, a lot of information for free. So you don’t need to buy a custom program if that’s not where you want to spend your money. Or if it’s not just that’s just not what you’re looking for.


The next criticism I get is the Code Red lifestyle is basically just keto. Look, let me make it very clear keto lifestyle is saving lives because it’s free. mitigating high levels of insulin and high levels of insulin drive disease drives cancer drives all sorts of metabolic problems. High levels of insulin drives inflammation, inflammation drives disease, inflammation drives cancer. We know this. This is not controversial stuff. You’ve got to get the insulin down in the body. You’ve got to get inflammation down in the body and that’s what the keto lifestyle is doing. Being high fat, low carb by getting people off the grains by getting people off the sugar. You are healing people’s body, but there are a lot of differences between Code Red and keto. So I’m not knocking on keto. I think Code Red is better because first of all, we don’t allow any kind of cheese in the code red lifestyle. On keto, they allow copious amounts of cheese, all kinds of cheese as much as you want to cheese. Cheese is dairy dairies inflammatory, okay, cheese is very calorie dense it’s very difficult to lose weight when you’re eating a lot of cheese. I know I tried. Can’t do that. The keto lifestyle allows cream. We do, we’re kind of working our way away from it. But Code Red lifestyle does allow a little bit of heavy cream. But we really move away from all dairy we really do. You just can’t lose weight when you’re having a lot of dairy. You know, we don’t even produce the enzyme lactase to break down lactose after the age of five, because we were never meant to continue drinking milk after we’d been weaned. We drink cow’s milk. And we’re the only species that drinks milk of another species. And we’re the only species that continues to drink milk after we’ve been weaned. cow’s milk is there to fatten up baby calves and it’s inflammatory in our body, as evidenced by the fact that we don’t produce the enzyme to even break it down. 50% of more than 30% of Americans are lactose intolerant. Milk is not good for us to drink. It’s not and I haven’t seen people to be able to really hit goal weight still drinking milk or milk products. So that is another difference between us and keto. Another difference is we don’t allow keto snacks or keto bars or keto foods. I mean, I’ve been to keto. I’ve spoken at keto conventions, because I still believe in it being better than the standard American diet. And I noticed that there are just hundreds of vendors at these conventions where they are selling keto snacks and keto drinks and keto brownies and keto cookie dough and keto bread and there’s every kind of keto version is moving in a direction of better but it’s not good for my rebels and I don’t allow it is still prepackaged chemical crap and I don’t want you having anything prepackaged or chemicals crap. I want you having real food. That’s not real food that’s still processed, it still has preservatives in it. I don’t want that you can really, I mean I saw a lot of people that are keto that are still having A major weight problem. And it is better if you can do keto brownies for your kids instead of the Betty Crocker brownies that is better as far as for your kids go, but you’re not going to be able to be successful. You might lose weight initially on keto, but long term, I think that code red is better. And generally on the ketogenic lifestyle, they want a fat percentage of about 75. And they want protein at about 15. And I just don’t i don’t believe in that. I believe in keeping a 60 3010 60% fat 30% protein and 10% carbs. That is better for long term. I’m playing the long game guys, I’m not here for you to lose weight to make your boyfriend’s ex girlfriend jealous. I’m trying to heal people. This is a lot of people’s last resort before bariatric surgery. I’m trying to get people off medication. I’m trying to get you off your C pap I’m trying to get your a one c down so you don’t lose a leg. I’m trying to make sure that peripheral neuropathy does not set in. I want to make sure that you do not go retinal neuropathy that you’re going to go blind that you’re going to be impotent at the age of 57. Because you have let your blood sugar’s get out of control. That’s what I’m doing. All right, I’m not trying to make it to where you can fit into your prom dress. I’m healing the people on this earth with Code Red Code Red is healing. I am interested in the long game and we find the 6030 split is something you can do for the rest of your life. Because it allows it makes room in your diet for a lot of different a wide variety of foods. So, keto is different than Code Red Code Red is different than keto so that not


that is not entirely true. It is similar. There are similar aspects. And we do believe in the keto lifestyle as far as being better than the standard American diet, but I think Code Red even takes it a step further and is even better. Of course, you can always need to find the lifestyle that works best for you. And the last question that I get a lot of is how do I get started? The best way to get started is the 10 pound takedown challenge. 10 pound takedown dot com. That is the best way to dip your toe into the lifestyle and find out if it’s for you. Find out spend 30 days with me, give me your best $47 challenge. Give me your best. I’ll give you my best and you find out if this the proper human diet is right for you. Of course I think it’s right for everybody, no matter what. I mean, I never think that Whoa, whoa spaghettios lean cuisines and pop tarts are good for anybody. That’s not food. That’s food like product. That’s not your body doesn’t even know how to process that. So I don’t think that’s a good idea. But you need to be ready for me. And the 10 pound take down challenge is the best way to get started to find out if if I’m a good fit for you. And we’re a good fit for each other and you’re a good fit for Code Red, and code reds a good fit for you. And I know that that’s not a criticism that last one, but that was a big question that I get all the time is how do I get started? What is when’s the best one I even suggest you start with the challenge. Before jumping into a custom program. A custom program is pretty intense. Now like I said you’re going to lose 10% of your body weight each month. And you’re going to do it without being hungry, you’re going to do it without shakes pills, diet foods or exercise. But if you do the challenge, First you’ll prove to yourself and to me that you can do it, you’re going to be committed, you’re not gonna screw around me, and I’m gonna argue with me like a sheet, you’re going to turn into your weight every Friday, you’re going to do the program. And if you can complete the challenge, chances are, you’re gonna be able to complete the custom program, and you’re gonna be able to get this weight off for the rest of your life once and for all. So I hope that helped. You guys see that I’m definitely not afraid of talking about Code Red and what we can do what we are doing wrong. Are we doing things wrong? Are we missing the boat? How can we improve if somebody comes to me honestly, and is respectful and kind and has a respectful kind suggestion or feedback? I want to listen to it. I get a little over 100 DMS per day on Instagram. If you just want to scream at me and call me names, I’m not gonna listen to you. But if you have a helpful suggestion for me, my gosh if you send it To the help desk or, or if you get in touch with me somehow and you let me know, I’m going to listen to those because I am here for you. The Code Red lifestyle is here for you, you’re a rebel. And I want to improve the game. I want to improve the program, I want to improve the company, and I want to improve your customer experience and customer service. So I really hope this podcast helped thank you for again, thank you for sticking with me through this whole thing. You know that these are the common criticisms I get. So I really wanted to take them on head on and just say, hey, let’s talk about it. I’m all for opening up conversations, if done respectfully, and in a kind way our society, people in our society nowadays, they don’t know how to disagree respectfully. They just don’t. They’re mean they’re cruel. They call people names, and that’s just not the way we need to get along. We need to be able to have open, honest conversations with each other about this. I don’t believe in vegan, but I’m not going to criticize them. I’m going to listen to that person. Talk about their viewpoint about veganism. I don’t agree, but I will I will have an open honest conversation. And I’ll come to the table open minded. I want to hear why that person thinks that the vegan lifestyle has been the best for them. You know what I’m saying? I’m just using that for an example. But I’m, I’m all for open honest conversation and I’m all for improving the code red lifestyle. So I will see you on the next rebel weight loss in lifestyle. Please, please, please rate, review and share this podcast. And of course, make sure you join the 10 pound take down. I’ll see you on the next challenge. Have a good one.


Outro  33:39  

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? Then all you have to do is head over to Apple podcasts on your phone or computer and do three simple things. leave a rating and review telling me what you think of the podcast. In that review, ask anything you want related to help, weight loss or mindset. And if you want a shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name. That’s all been listening to hear your question answered live raw and uncut on the next q&a episode, so, I’ll see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.