What Is This Episode About…
In this episode, Cari and I will have a conversation that was inspired by the National Geographic series, Life Below Zero, wherein a recent episode, the featured Alaskan used the phrase “You can do it smiling or crying, but you’re going to work” to refer to living in Alaska. That caught my attention because it rang true to any part of the world or in any part of life. One has to put in the work in order to achieve anything, regardless of whether they enjoy doing the necessary work or not.
We understood the value of work since we were young, and we felt a great sense of pride in being able to contribute to our family’s success by working on our farm, so working hard for what we desire has always been part of our value system. Cari will address the fact that putting work when it comes to health and fitness is all about perspective, and she will refer to her weight loss journey by talking about when she used to go to a gym and smile through all the hard work she had to put in while most women would just complain. Her idea of perspective comes from the fact that she tirelessly smiled all through the workouts her trainer had her doing because she understood that she was doing it all for her own overall health and wellness.
While weight loss journeys are typically full of tough moments, one must train themselves to find something that motivates them to change their perspective about the work they must put in to achieve the weight, health, and wellness that they desire. We’ll talk about just how much of a difficult time people have on their weight loss journeys when they choose to be angry and resentful about what they cannot have, and share some actionable advice about how to overcome that so you can go out and really commit to living a healthy life. Tune in and you’ll definitely get what you need to move forward in your health and wellness journey. Enjoy!
Key Points of Discussion
- Exposing the lies that the diet industry has given us over the years (02:13)
- Finding pride and identity in the work in order to shift everything (06:42)
- It’s all about perspective (08:18)
- It’s all about how you choose to face your weight loss (12:09)
- Finding some joy in the journey to be able to smile in your work (14:18)
- The great thing about the Code Red custom programs (15:30)
- Eating junk always catches up with people (22:01)
- Focusing on the journey to have good health through a lifespan and how it frees up one’s evenings (28:35)
Learn More About The Content Discussed…
Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.
Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.
When Was It Released…
This episode was released April 8, 2020
Episode Transcript…
Disclaimer: This Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cari 0:00
Either way, you’re going to have to work you can do it crying or smiling, but you’re gonna work. Yeah, you don’t have a choice in this life. We truly don’t. Even people People often say I wish I had so and so’s money, or I wish I had so and so’s problems. Well, big problems come with big money. And you know, so I don’t think that even that is going to be a work even that you have to keep your eye on so many people, so many things. So it’s not easy for anybody.
Intro 0:31
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth, because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.
Cristy 0:58
and Come back to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. I’m your host Christy Code Red along with Cari Thompson. We are so glad that you’re here with us today. Hi, Carrie
Cari 1:10
Christie, there’s some time that went by and I didn’t podcast. I just want you to know I was very offended when I saw the other ones. I was like, Who’s that person? Why are we doing that interview? I’m teasing. I’m teasing.
Cristy 1:25
I know we did it. I kind of went through a phase where I did a lot of interviews and now we’re back with you and me and I love this. You guys. We love doing this. This is like our favorite thing to do. But first let me start off with a rating and review. I’d like to read just one. This is from the green bean gives us five stars. The green bean says LOVE, LOVE LOVE at the top. I am on my first challenge starting in February 2020. I first heard of Christie from a friend and she was talking about her journey and all I could think about was that me. Her podcasts are dead on for what I need to hear for the 10 pound challenge and has all the tools you’ll need to get the weight off and fix your brain. By the second week, I felt like I was in the movie The Matrix just walking around and seeing the world in a totally different light. I am awake. And I am excited for my journey with Christy Code Red. Thank you, Christy. Thank you The green beam.
Cari 2:13
You cannot unsee it, folks. It’s just like one of those 3d paintings where you know, you go like this. And you turn your head one way you’re like, I see a unicorn and there’s a man on it.Yeah. Once you see the unicorn, the man like you can’t not see it at that point. It’s the same thing with Code Red, and our mission to expose the lies that the diet industry has given us over the years.
Cristy 2:40
I completely agree. You know, Kerry, today’s podcast was inspired by the Nat Geo series life below zero. I love that series. Now you actually live in Alaska. These are Alaskans that are living they feature different ones and you know firsthand what they’re talking about. But one of the Stars chip hailstone he says the thing about living in Alaska, he said is you’re gonna work. He said, you can do a smiling or crying, but you’re going to work. And I love that. And I wrote that down because that is so true. Not just Of course, we’re living in Alaska, but for doing anything for anybody in any part of the world in any part of life. You’re going to work, you can do a crying or smiling, but you’re going to work.
Cari 3:23
Yeah, it is absolutely true. And that is true about all parts of life. And I just want to say for all of our Alaska listeners, in case somebody writes in, there’s Alaska, and then there’s Alaska. And there is like downtown anchorage where you got a coffee shop, it’s cold, there’s lots of snow, there are some moose, and bears, but then there’s life below zero, Alaska, which is the middle of nowhere. If you lose a leg, you’d be losing a leg by yourself.
Cristy 3:53
Cari 3:53
in the middle of nowhere. So that’s a completely different thing. So there is urban Alaska. And that is is definitely where I live, although I have been out to those places on this show. But Christie The truth is, you’re gonna work it doesn’t matter what your life looks like, it doesn’t matter if you’re one of the rich and famous, or you are a single mom living on 10 bucks an hour, guys, you’re gonna work. And I don’t know why this is so black and white to me because I think it might date back to our childhood carry and I had an awesome I think an awesome childhood. Not a day goes by that I don’t love think about and love almost every aspect of my childhood now we were raised on a ranch outside of a small town or fino, Idaho, and then we were even further 30 miles even further outside, where we’re just a half a dozen families in our community. And we lived on 7075 acres. We had chickens and pigs and horses and cows. And back when we were kids. And I don’t know if you’ll agree. I think you’ll agree with this because I think it’s just true. It was a lot colder and we had a lot more snow back then. I mean, I just remember maybe because I was smaller There was so much snow. I mean, it was, and there was a lot of work taking care of the farm. And mom and dad expected a lot of us girls. And there was just no two ways about it. Like we all helped, and we all worked. I don’t think that I hate to say kids these days because I think kids these days just have a different situation. But I can tell you that my 10 year old doesn’t have to put away you know, 11 cords of wood every summer. So yes, things are different. I do remember it being colder. I do remember a lot more snow up over the windows to where you couldn’t see out the windows of the house because whatever came down on the roof, net, whatever piled up from the bottom and it would freeze and that’s what our house was like. I mean, it was amazing. I think back now I don’t think we get that kind of weather anymore. Christy.
Cristy 5:51
I don’t know if we were just not allowed to grumble about it. Or if we just kind of accepted the fact that if We wanted to live I mean I know we I wanted the horses and we did for each pig and we did for each steer and dad had milk cows and we used milk in our family. I don’t know if it was just kind of well you girls wanted this so you work for it was never said like that. I don’t know what it was but in my mind, it was like we had to work. And so I never really grumbled and I don’t remember you grumbling a whole lot and maybe to each other. We did but and certainly, you know bucking hay and gathering hay bales load after load after load and blistering heat temperatures was not fun by any means. But we didn’t really grumble so I kind of just in my mind is like what it has to be done. Why are you grumbling about it?
Cari 6:42
I think that Chrissy there was a certain sense of pride in being able to contribute to the family that seems to be missing with a lot of people these days. And that was our situation is that if you find pride in the work, whatever that is, whether it’s weight loss And we’ll get around to that or whether it is working out or whether it’s your job or whether it’s this, whether it’s that when you find pride in that, and you find some identity in that, that is what shifts it. So to us, we were dads hard working girls, that was our identity. So to have to work hard, never seemed like something that we had an option on, or be that something that we didn’t like, you know what I mean? It was just part of what we did. It didn’t seem to be negotiable. You know what I mean?
Cristy 7:30
Yeah, and mom and dad taught us to have pride in it, that we were fortunate to live where we lived, and that to fortunate to have the animals and the opportunities that we had. So you know, whether it was true or not, that was the way it was spun to us. And I just accepted that as fact. And so it just what and I do I have so much pride in my childhood and boy that is definitely missing. I think parents want to coddle and protect their kids so much, and they don’t let them suffer a little bit. But there is so much pride in the suffering because the all the suffering That we did growing up and I’d been suffering I’m saying that, you know, I’m saying that because I don’t really can’t really think of a better word right now. It sure makes me so proud. I love to tell the stories and all that stuff. But you know, you’re gonna work. Either way you’re going to have to work, you can do it crying or smiling, but you’re gonna work.
Cari 8:18
Yeah, you don’t have a choice in this life. We truly don’t. Even people, people will often say I wish I had so and so’s money, or I wish I had so and so’s problems. Well, big problems come with big money. And you know, so I don’t think that even that is going to be a work even that you have to keep your eye on so many people, so many things. So it’s not easy for anybody. And so what I think is interesting is it’s all about perspective. Christy. It’s all about perspective. I have the best example and then I think we should talk about how it relates to code read. Are you ready?
Cristy 8:52
Cari 8:52
So I started my Of course my weight loss journey years ago, lost all my weight, and then had the Hold on. There’s another Underneath the thing, and I don’t want them to knock over any equipment, so sorry about that. So I lost all the weight. And then decided years later to start down the exercise part of taking my life back, which we encourage people once they get into maintenance, once they’ve lost all their weight to explore, what does this part of your journey look like as far as getting into shape.
So I started out with Christie, of course, as my trainer and my coach for many, many miles away, helping me getting into shape. So for about a year and a half, I did that and then I switched gyms and I decided to start going to a workout class, which is sort of like, I guess, a very loose interpretation of CrossFit. So it’s multi joint exercises. It is not just running on a treadmill and losing weight, it’s, you know, we’re going to do 50 of these and then we’re going to get down on the floor and do some burpees and so I mean, it’s, you have to keep at it and I sweat pretty good. Let me just tell you, Miss Linda kicks my Jaime. But all that to say is that there are women that come to the class and Every single day Christie, you have to work. I know when I walk my legs in my leggings in with my water bottle inside that room, it’s gonna be work. It’s only an hour, it’s not going to kill me. Now again, this is my perspective, okay? It’s all about perspective. So I go in there and she’s like how you know, she’s typical. How’s everyone doing? You know, Chrissy? And I’m just like, Get it. Get it. What are we going to do next? Let’s not talk. Let’s not discuss it.
Okay, barbell let’s do it. We’re going to do curls let’s do it. We’re going to do the swings with the kettlebell. Let’s do it. You know what I mean? And these women Christie every time Ah, you guys, those of you can’t see my face. I’m doing the 10 year old roll your eyes and then they go 10 more Oh my god. It’s every day Christie every day. One more she goes we’re gonna do one more today we were doing you know deadlifts and then 45 seconds of ropes and then 45 cents. Second set, and then you just rotated through it. And the more we which let me tell you, that’ll kick your hiney you’re sweating good, you’re working hard, but I kept saying it’s work carry, you’re gonna do this. So you can smile and just hustle and get it done. Or you can complain and the thing that kills me Chrissy is that these women know every day that it’s gonna be work. But every day they complain, I was gonna say, Why do you come like go walk, go walk in a circle. But it’s the same idea. I go in there and I say yes, it’s work. Yes, you have to do it. So you can maintain strong muscles, strong bones, so you can age well, so you can keep your joints and your cardiovascular health up carry. You do it for those reasons. And yes, it’s hard and yes, it’s work. But I smile through the whole thing. It’s all about perspective. I don’t understand those ladies. I mean, what are they even bother coming? They’re bringing the energy down in the group. Like What Did they did they expect Linda’s going to be Any different on this class? I see. It’s funny and then they do this. I have I got
ready. No,I’m going for coffee and I’m over there, dripping sweat here and I’m looking right at Linda and I’m going hard like, it’s all about how you choose to take the class. It’s all about how you choose to face your weight loss. It’s all about how you choose to face the buckling of the hay bales. It’s all about how you choose to face your shift at the hospital. It’s all about the way you look at it. And the way you look at it determines how you get through it. Every day. She says are we doing okay? And I’m like this even if I can’t talk, I’m doing it.
Cristy 12:44
A lot of you guys listening. You understand? You know who Paris Hilton is Paris Hilton is the I think granddaughter of the Hilton Empire, the Hilton Hotel Empire. But what people don’t know about Paris is she actually only ends Okay, some of you guys are gonna laugh when you hear this. She The actually inherited I think $1 million. Now 1 million and I really people are listening to like, wow, I wish I would. But she has 10s she’s worth I don’t know she’s worth 125 million of 300,000,600 million or something maybe she’s even in the billions. She was not given all that she has she was only given $1 million. And truth be told when you start looking at the actually doesn’t go far in her lifestyle the way that so say if you’re living the kind of lifestyle that she is a million dollars. Exactly. It goes by quick. I mean, you talk about if you want to fly on a private jet, from Boise to Salt Lake City, that’s $7,000 one way so you know, you can eat up eat through that million pretty quick. Paris actually is an entrepreneur, she earned all this she has 100 almost 100% of what she has minus that 1 million so she’s worth 600 million or 900 million. She earned all of that, but people don’t realize that she had to work hard for that.
And so you’re gonna work hard even if you’re pretty Hylton, you can’t lay down and just roll over and lead at some point. Whenever if you choose to be the gas station attendant or you choose to be the president united states, it’s all going to come with work. So it all boils down to what’s your attitude is when you face that work,
Cari 14:18
and Chrissy, I think to kind of loop this back around to code read, I find the people that understand the work and just do it. Just do it. I put my head down, I’m sweaty, I’m tired. I don’t want to do 45 more kettlebell swings. I don’t, but it’s like, get it done. Just get it done and be happy about it. If you can find joy in the journey, and you can change your perspective not to sound hippity dippity I know everyone’s like join the journey. Join the journey. Someone make it into a T shirt or coffee mug. Join the journey. sorry I made you spill your coffee. But it is true if you can find some joy in the journey. It is Makes your work makes you be able to smile in your work. I mean, when I was working as an ICU nurse, is it fun when someone bleeds everywhere all over the bed all over the floor, and then they poo on top of that, and you got to poo bloody mess. No, it’s not fun. Those are the tough moments. But you just say to yourself, I’ve got to find joy in this journey. Like there has to be something that motivates you to change your perspective. And the same is true for weight loss and taking your life back.
Cristy 15:30
One thing I like about our custom programs, I like our custom programs so much and i i get that that sounds kind of funny because I’m the one that created it, but actually, I originally created it, but the way that it’s evolved and it’s been become so streamlined and so good is Karis help and just go into the yes going through the trial and error of what’s the best way to get weight off people. One thing I love about our custom programs is that we give you that I give you an actual end date. I give you what you can afford. backed off every week, every month, all the way, the exact amount and the exact amount, I give you two different scenarios of when you can reach goal weight, man, I mean, when someone opens up their custom program and they see the light at the end of the tunnel, or they see that the tunnel is going to end, December 6 2020, or the tunnel is going to end, you know, their journey, they’re going to be at 142 pounds by September 26 of 2020. And that is so freeing to know that I just have to work hard. And I just got to do it up until this point, and then I get to go into maintenance at that point that is so that’s what is really great. I think one of the great things about our custom programs is the fact that we give you that end date, you can see you know how long you’re gonna have to grind.
Cari 16:43
And I think understanding that and having some sense of this is not infinite. This is finite like this is going to end at some point. I tell people that all the time this is going to end this is going to end but Christy, the people that come into this journey that people that go to Through this and they are happy about it. They aren’t resentful. They aren’t angry at their bodies. They are angry at the process. They aren’t angry that they are eating vegetables. I mean, you know until you change your palate, of course, McDonald’s french fries tastes better than vegetables. They’re engineered to be that way until you change your palate. Of course, Diet Coke tastes better than water. It’s engineered to be that way. But they aren’t resentful. I see a lot of resentment, Christi, resentment. Well, Bobby can eat whatever he wants. Hmm, well, you’re gonna do the work Betty, you’re gonna do the work.
So you might as well have some happiness and some peace and smile about this weight loss journey you’re on. Celebrate. Every Size you come into, celebrate every point to that comes off and don’t be angry at our bodies. Because it’s not point three. Because y’all we have abused our bodies for a lot of years. Give them a little bit of time to catch up. You don’t I mean,
Cristy 17:57
we have a rebel that has been in maintenance for quite a while and she is still she puts so much energy into being resentful that her family can or chooses to eat the junk food. And that’s another podcast we need to carry is is the getting away with it, but you ain’t exactly I got to write that down. And I noticed just so much resentment and so much anger and I don’t know the physiological pathway of this, but really that kind of anger and resentment actually will make you sick. Oh, and I just notice it just eats away at her. I mean, here she is over 100 pounds down, and she won’t let it go. And she’s always it’s just niggling, niggling niggling the fact that those guys are all having pizza and Krispy kremes and beer and chips and nachos and stuff. And she’s, I can’t have them she says quotes with my fingers. And no, I choose to not put that into my body. So it’s just it’s amazing that will make you sick that create ulcers and Whoo, that anger eating away at you.
Cari 18:57
And where’s the joy there Chrissy? Yeah, where’s this Joy. You know, it’s funny Jim gaffigan makes a joke. He says, Do you ever meet someone that loses a lot of weight and you’re like, they don’t look any better. They look horrible. You want to get a steak, you know? It’s true. Some people lose weight and they turn to grumpy, horrible people. I’ve met them now not too many on code read. But I’ve met people that are angry and resentful value. They’re thin, because they don’t feel like there’s freedom in their new life. They did not find joy in the journey. They hated the journey. They did it out of sheer stubbornness. I think sometimes, but there’s no joy in it. There’s no joy in it. There’s no smiling. You’re gonna work guys, either. You’re gonna work taking your blood sugar six times a day, or you’re gonna work by passing by the little donut the Krispy Kreme inside the little thing with the top. Have you seen those with the is the rounded top? Yeah, the round. Toms are up against the plastic like you’re all saying All the Krispy kremes are squished up there the little tiny donut holes scary. It’s just one if you got all of them, you could just have one. I’m gonna work saying no to that as much as I am being heavy and I can’t bend down and put my shoes on. It’s all your perspective rebels it’s all your perspective and how you choose to see the journey you’re on. It really is
Cristy 20:25
well I like when Brandon and Sarah heat well they did a podcast here and interview and they chose to look for the different they said okay, so we’re not going to be doing wine tastings and Margarita Mondays anymore with our friends. We have to find a different outlet, a different avenue and those are the people that do well because they find the joy in things they do it smiling they find a way to make it work. But like there are those people like you said that really just they are so angry the whole time and you almost want to say to them, you know my gosh, life is too short. Like just go back to being fat. Have your wine have your pizzas called Domino’s every other night is not worth the anger that someone’s putting into it. But I mean, it’s gonna be working the way they’re you, you deal with the crap that comes with Domino’s Pizza, or you deal with the crap of saying no, I guess the crap of saying no to Margarita Mondays I don’t really know I’m trying to find the I’m trying to find the downside to being healthy. But people should find the downside to being healthy. They’re just so angry about it. But I’m telling you ain’t nobody getting out of the rules.
Cari 21:24
Well, Christy, I remember when I was losing weight. There’s a couple of funny examples when I was losing weight. I was jonesing for some sugar. And I was just probably bugging the crap out of you about it. Probably like texting back in the day are calling. And you said then go eat an apple carry. And I was like, but I don’t want Apple like it was like, oh, Chris has given me permission to eat apple. By the way. We don’t think apples are bad. We just avoid sugary fruits in weight loss mode, but I don’t want anyone to write into Christie and be like, hey, Christy Code Red hates the apple. That is not it. Okay? But anyway, and I’ll never forget that. time that you and I were together.
And this is back when we did one on one custom programs, and somebody was just hassling you and complaining, and I don’t understand why. And I want this and I, yeah, yeah. And yeah. And you said, well go ahead and eat it. And so they were like, shoved it on their piehole. And then Christie said, so do you feel any better? And they were like, nope. And it was a great lesson. It was a great lesson to me in my brain, that you aren’t going to feel any better walking down the road of being resentful and angry for what you cannot have. Because when you finally get it, guess what, it’s not quite the golden egg that you thought it was. So I learned a lot from you. I’ve learned a lot from you in general, but those two examples stick out of my mind, then have an apple carry and I was like, well, that’s not the point. I was angry. And I have felt that before I really have I’ve moved past that in my life because I know now that everyone that’s eating that junk good catches up with them. You know eventually Anyway, I’ve learned that lesson. But I remember being very you saying, well then eat it. Do you feel any better? No, I went sags. Now my stomach hurts.
Yeah. And that’s what I always remember when I see something and I’m like, you know, and I do I get people that we get people all the time that are just No, not all the time. It’s not it’s usually when people come to code read, they’re ready. They realize it’s, you know, I mean, it’s hard to be it’s hard to be angry when you’re eating steak and asparagus, eggs and bacon, cream cheese, cottage cheese. You know, people do I guess when you put butter and salt on your veggies? It’s hard to be angry. But I guess people do. I think the problem when people with the grumbling is when they’re surrounded by people that aren’t and all they can see around them is the music’s going and everybody’s just having the champagne and the sweets and stuff. They’re just not seeing the deeper the fact that those guys are all going to have to pay at some point and so maybe I think that’s when it but you’ve got to find the joy in the journey. I hate to say that but you’ve got to find the fun part of living a healthy life and it’s so many fun parts of it. You know, you can start exercising when you get to maintenance and you can start you know, go do stand up paddleboarding with your friends and go hike with it. There’s just so many great things that you can do. But you’re gonna have to find a healthy outlet for that energy because you’ll dwell on it in your mind and it’ll just your mind will play tricks on you. And you’ll just wind yourself into a bad attitude. Yeah, and Chrissy, whether it’s getting a graduate degree, whether it’s going to cosmetology school, whether it is sitting and trying to make manager, whether it’s becoming a doctor, whether it’s losing 100 pounds, you are going to work. You are going to work as a single dad raising your two kids, you are going to work as a fireman who’s a paramedic on the side. You’re going to work. It’s all about perspective. I agree with you 100% Christie and people that maintain that positive perspective and move forward. I’ll never forget are answered. So what’s my alternative to gain all the way back? No, no, that’s not a good alternative. You can’t go back where you were. Yeah. What’s
Cristy 25:07
your alternative? Exactly. And if that’s really what you want, then do it I we’re not going to fight you on it. It’s just life is too short to be angry. I don’t want someone being angry all the time. If you’re angry if you find yourself angry all the time eating steak and asparagus instead of dominoes, Oh, my gosh, I did. I’m just not going to find somebody on it, you know, but and you can have your dominoes and go ahead and don’t be mad when the guy next to you gives you a dirty look when they realize you’re coming down that plain aisle and you’re gonna sit by them and lop over into their seat. And don’t be embarrassed when you got to ring your call light and you got to ask the flight attendant for a seatbelt extender. Don’t be upset when everybody’s looking at you. That’s what’s happening. So it really just boils down to how do you choose to look at it but and I think that our childhood just not given a choice of attitude or, or I don’t know the way mom and dad really did. It was just kind of like you just kind of you just worked and that’s just the way things were And, uh we have that kind of work ethic now. And most of our rebels have that kind of work ethic and we work really hard in our program to change the mindset of living a healthy lifestyle to help them look for some people just don’t realize that when you go to Disneyland, you can actually pack your own water and you don’t have to eat something at every single turn. They don’t realize that they never thought about that mom and I, when we went to Disneyland here about three years ago with you CES, you had a conference and Carrie and mom and I came to stay with you. And we went to Disneyland. We split a breakfast, we took our waters and we didn’t eat at Disneyland. People don’t think that’s an option. So part of our community jobs as coaches and leaders and staff is to get those people thinking of alternatives.
Cari 26:42
It was funny Christy I was I don’t generally talk about my eating that much to everybody. You know what I mean? Because it’s kind of a, but it was funny. I told somebody what time of day I quit eating. And they looked at me this just happened recently because people want don’t Kentucky don’t necessarily know about as much about code read as people in other United States they said to me, Well, what do you do in the evenings?
Well, I check on my chickens I, we work our side business we go in, you know, visit our disabled mom, we go on walks, I help my daughter do homework, I do laundry. I’m like, What do you mean? What do I do? me all you do in the evenings is eat some people. That’s really what do you do when you watch TV? I was like, I don’t really watch TV to be honest. And that was mind blowing. She could not understand what do you do in the evenings? My life is different because of this health journey I’m on my life is different because of code read. I don’t live a traditional sit at home with my glass of wine and bag of Cheetos from seven until 10pm. Right. Don’t do that Christy. And I think there’s a surprising amount of people that do that. I didn’t know it either. But I think you’re right. I think people are binge watching gay. Game of Thrones and they’re just eating bag after bag box after box can after can have whatever and that’s how they kind of anesthetized themselves in the evenings. Yeah, I think you’re absolutely right Christie. I heard a funny thing on Game of Thrones. It said my sister texted me. This is not me. But my sister texted me and said, should I let my first year my four year old? Watch Game of Thrones with me? And I texted back. Well, no, no, no, don’t start in the middle. You have to start back on episode one. Otherwise, it won’t make any sense. I’ve never watched Game of Thrones. I guess the attraction is strong. I don’t watch regular TV.
You guys, I have too much energy, because I’m not eating crap in the evenings and my evenings are totally freed up because my focus is not what to shoving my piehole my focus is the journey I’m on to have good health through a lifespan. Hmm, I love that. Yeah,
Cristy 28:53
you know it guys. It doesn’t matter who you are. If you’re receiving food stamps and I’ve received food stamps. So I understand. If you are waiting In seven kids, if you are a doctor, it doesn’t matter you’re gonna have to work this life just, it’s just we don’t live in a society where things are given to you. I you know, that’s just not you’re gonna have to work. You have to work to get yourself up off the bed and into the shower. It doesn’t matter the level is you’re going to have to work no matter what. It all boils down to your attitude whether you’re going to do a smile, and you’re going to do it grumbling. And I want you parents had to raise your kids like this to really instill that into your children that guys, hey, listen, good attitude or bad attitude, but you ain’t getting out of your chores. You got to pick up the dog poop.
Cari 29:34
You’re never fully dressed without a smile. What movie was that from? Pollyanna? Annie. No Annie. You’re never fully dressed with a smile.
Cristy 29:48
It’s true. Guys. We think the world of all of you we sure appreciate you joining us for this episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle. You know you know sometimes we talked about weight loss. Sometimes we talked about attitude, somebody to We just kind of hit we just run the gamut on our subjects and we want to bring different perspectives to you. And I get it that Carrie and I are farm girls, and we have a different upbringing than a lot of you guys. We have a different perspective. But we want to encourage you to look at it from a different angle.
Cari 30:14
Yeah, and I think it’s important. Again, it’s important to if you’re struggling with grumble Enos, if you’re struggling with grumble, Enos, think about why you’re doing what you’re doing, and really try to change your perspective. My dad, our dad, I say my dad, our dad is a mental health therapist. And he used to say sometimes with depression, you just fake it till you make it, meaning you get out of bed, you get dressed, you put your makeup on, and I’m not diminishing those struggles of depression guys, I’m saying you fake it till you make it sometimes with a good attitude. You fake it until it becomes a part of who you are. And that’s okay. I’m going to do this. I’m going to come in, I’m going to lose this weight. I’m going to eat right today. I’m going to get my water and just fake it till you make it and eventually it’ll become a party. your mindset,
Cristy 31:01
even if you don’t feel like it show me man. I don’t feel like it and I do it anyway. And you would never be able to look at me and tell that I have a headache or that I’m losing sleep or something happened last night and miles and I had an argument you’d never be able to tell by looking at me because I’m putting on a smile. I’m doing my job. And sometimes you just got to kind of push through even if it doesn’t feel like rainbows and ponies and roses. Yep, coffee, Jesus and some good concealer. That’s
Cari 31:26
all I’m saying. That’s all I’m saying.
Cristy 31:30
Like Joyce Meyer, Joyce Meyer goes, I’m not a morning person. You don’t really want to see me in the morning until I’ve had some coffee and about an hour of Jesus.
Cari 31:37
There you go. Awesome.
Cristy 31:40
You guys. Join us on our next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle as always, please join our next 10 pound takedown challenge at 10 pound takedown calm that we have monthly challenges. That’s a great place to get started with code read a lot of people write in and they ask us work and I get started. The 10 pound takedown as always the best place to dip your toe into the lifestyle for $47 figure out if it’s for you. We think the real food, water and sleep is for everybody. But it’s got to be the right time for you. It’s got to be the right attitude. You got to be able to do it. Not grumbling, we want to smile and but we’ll take it anyway. We’ll take it anyway, just come to us and let us love you until you can love yourself. So you guys have a good one. Thank you carry. Thank you.
Outro 32:22
Thanks so much for listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. If you’re a code red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your Free Code Red lifestyle on the go guide, then Now is your time to get a copy. This guide will teach you how to stay code read approved, even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode show notes and click the link to get your code read approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.