A bullcrap excuse I don’t wanna hear from you

Every so often on the 10 Pound Takedown, we’ll have a handful of people who registered contact us because they’ve decided they “can’t” due the 10 Pound Takedown.

Their reasons always include the phrase “I can’t because.”

What those reasons really are doesn’t matter, because almost without exception, they all translate to the same excuse:

I’m not ready to take my life back.

It’s pretty sad that their fear gets the better of them, because taking your life back isn’t anything to be scared of. It’s hope, it’s confidence, it’s vitality, it’s realizing that you are worth the effort. Weight loss is just the start.

Now, does it require making some changes?

Yep. The idea you can keep doing what you’re doing that’s not working and never has, and expect different results, is a bullcrap fantasy that “diets” prey upon to keep you circling the weight loss mountain and sinking further and further into hopelessness.

The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can enjoy the relief, hope, excitement, and other results that come when you take your life back.

See, losing your weight is just the start.

Most people OBSESS over that number on the scale, like it alone determines their value as a human being.

On Cod Red, while we do use that number as data to help us see how our choices the day before affected our bodies, it is not so we can turn around and emotionally punish ourselves.

It’s so we can troubleshoot. It helps us learn what does, and does not work.

That being said, that number on the scale is NOT the only way to measure progress, or even health. It’s data ONLY!

And your extra body fat is just a symptom of a bigger problem that needs addressed – which we can help you with on the Code Red Lifestyle™, by getting your nutrition on point.

ALL of this is about hope and healing.

So if you’re reading this and thinking, “maybe so, but I can’t because–” then you’re letting fear control you again…which has done you NO favors.

Stay the course and take your life back. There is NOTHING to fear about real food, water, sleep, and feeling better than you have in years!