40: Code Red HOUSEKEEPING: 4 Habits To Change In Your First Month

oderedlifestyle, coderedrebels

What Is This Episode About…

There are four habits that’ll need to change in the first month of Code Red. We call it “Code Red housekeeping” and they might surprise you!

The first thing you’re going to want to do when you get on Code Red is to clean out the four main areas. Cupboards, fridge, glove box, and your work desk.

Don’t think I don’t know what’s in that glove box. I do. And I also know about the crap you’re hiding in your work desk in the name of food. So that crap has got to get cleaned out. Your cupboards need to be cleaned out of anything that is processed and anything that has any kind of sugar.

If it’s close to us, we will eat it.  I’ve had over 40,000 people go through my challenges. I know this is true. I’m telling you right now, you’ll cave if it’s in your house. No sugar in your house – that’s a no-compromise rule. 

If you have a spouse that does not want to make this change, you have to remember that you are 50-50 owner of this house and your spouse needs to come halfway.

You cannot be expected to say on track, especially in the first month, if you have got junk food surrounding you. This is especially true if you’re a proximity eater – which most of us are.

As you go through this process, you lose some people from your life, and that’s ok. It’s not because you are a bad person or because they are a bad person – you are both just on different paths now. 

Stay tuned as we talk about cleaning out your cupboards, cleaning out your newsfeed, cleaning out your friends’ list, both in-person and online, and cleaning out your thoughts.

Key Points of Discussion

  • Clean out your cupboards, fridge, glove box, and work desk (5:21)
  • Anything that is processed and anything that has any kind of sugar is a no-no (6:02)
  • If it’s not meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood and fat, it needs to go (6:08)
  • If it’s close to us, if we have it, we will eat it (7:46)
  • If your spouse does not want to be Code Red and stuff, you can have a talk… (9:01)
  • People usually stumble and fall at their own home day after day… (9:20)
  • I want you to get into that freezer and I want you to dig (10:11)
  • The top three rules of keeping your weight off of the rest of your life (11:21)
  • Clean out the newsfeed (12:02)
  • Get surrounded by firms, ads, and people who line up with your thinking (13:57)
  • Treat yourself like an addict – You’re a recovering sugar addict (15:48)
  • Clean out those friends. Some of them might not love you like you think they do (16:37)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

Join the next 10-Pound Takedown Challenge here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released December 26, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors


00:00          The first thing you’re going to want to do when you get on Code Red is you’re gonna wanna clean out your cupboards. Now they’re four areas. We say cupboards, but what I mean is cupboards, fridge, glove box, work desk. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Don’t fake. I don’t know what’s in that glove box. I do and I also know you’re hiding crap in your work desk. All right. I know you’re hiding food. I know you’re hiding stuff. All right, so that crap has got to get cleaned out.


00:33          I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle, where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening. Welcome back to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I am Cristy Code Red Nicole, author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer. I’m happy to be here with you guys. I absolutely mean that 100%. I’m happy to be with you guys. Let me pull up the podcast here and read some reviews. Let’s see how do I do? Oh, here we go. Okay. This is a great one. This is the first one. All right. This is from, I love it.


01:27          I have not read these ahead of time and you guys are getting completely raw and real here and unfiltered. This is a five-star review from Elana H Lee. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Elana is probably with the H and then Leah, L, E, A, H. I apologize. I’m doing my best with the names guys. Five stars. The top says it’s crazy that this is free. I love this podcast. She says, there is so much value in content, valuable content here that it’s motivational as well as informative between you, the YouTube videos and the podcast. I feel so connected to the Code Red community every day. Thank you, Cristy, for putting this out there for everyone to hear. Thank you Elana. I appreciate it. Let me click the “see all” button. All right, let’s see here. Whoo. Let’s see. Okay. This is another five-star review and this was the top says your program gives life. The name is to be the social light.


02:23          I have been following your program and listening to your podcast for about a month now. I was already excited about the things that were happening to my body, so naturally, I shared it with the closest people to me. One of those people was my 55-year-old mother. I encouraged her to join the challenge but referred her to the code red. I don’t know what she means by that, but anyway, my mom suffers from three distinct illnesses that have almost taken her life. The first was an AFib. The second was abnormal edema, which she suffered from for years, and the third was being pre-diabetic. She gave birth to my brother 28 years ago. She died on the table having him do excessive amounts of fluid in her body. Thank God they were able to re revive her. Anyway. After three days of drinking water, sleep, and eating real food, she lost 17 pounds of water and the swelling went down immediately.


03:12          I had never seen my mom’s legs not look like sausages. It touched my heart and I shared her progress in the group. My why immediately changed because my mom is an excellent grandma lady and business owner. I would be devastated to lose her. This program is not only changing our lives but as literally saving us. Wow. Oh, be the social light. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What a review. Let’s do one more. This is from Megan Jacobson, pep talks on the go. Five stars. Megan. Thank you. Cristy’s podcast is always a breath of fresh air offering the tips and tricks. I need to stay on track. I have Cristy’s custom program and I’m currently a weight loss mode. Her podcasts are my go-to when I travel regularly for work. I’ve been through her challenges and I’m active in her groups and even though I have numerous resources at my disposal, this podcast is still my favorite resource.


04:09          Thank you, Cristy, for the continual motivation and guidance. Ah, you guys will see what happens when you rate and review my podcast. I might read yours on the air. Thank you guys so very much. FiveStars all the way across the board. Rebel, weight loss and lifestyle. Mem, Tonya, we are ranked high right now. We are ranked high and it’s all because of you. I don’t take that lightly. Don’t think for one second that I do. I don’t. Let’s talk about code red housekeeping code red housekeeping. This is housekeeping that you cannot outsource. I’m all for outsourcing. You guys know I outsource my housekeeping but this is not one that I can outsource and neither can you. You’re going to have to do this show. We have four different types of housekeeping on code red that you’re going to need to do pretty immediately. When you first joined the program, when you first joined the lifestyle, either by way of custom program or challenge, but you decide you’re going to give it a shot and these are the things that you’re gonna need to do in order of, well I was going to say in order of importance, but I don’t really know.


05:21          I know that the first one is probably is really job one and the other one’s kind of fall in line. First one. Are you ready? Here we go. Code red housekeeping. The first thing you’re going to want to do when you’d get on code red is you’re gonna wanna clean out your cupboards. Now there are four areas. We say cupboards, but what I mean is cupboards, fridge, glove box. Work desk. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Don’t think I don’t know what’s in that glove box. I do. And I also know you’re hiding crap in your work desk. Alright? I know you’re hiding food. I know you’re hiding stuff. All right? So that crap has got to get cleaned out. Your cupboards need to be cleaned out of anything that is processed. Anything that has any kind of sugar, anything. Look, if it’s not meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafoods and fat, it needs to go.


06:14          And why is it? Why? Look, and I’m not saying you have to throw it in the garbage. You can if you want, but you can bag it up and send it down to your local food bank. All right? You can give it to your neighbor. There are places you don’t have to throw it away. Cause I’ve heard people and it’s a bull-crap excuse. I’ve heard people say, well, I just can’t throw food away. That’s why I can’t be on code red. No bull crap. That’s you not wanting to be on code. You don’t want to be, you don’t want to make any changes. That’s why you don’t want to be on code red because there are plenty of other people who could gladly take your processed food and be just fine cause it’s not that big of a deal to them, but you, you’ve gotten no points there.


06:51          It’s a big deal to you. If it’s not meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafoods and fat, it needs to go. Period. End of story. There’s no gray area here, especially if it’s got sugar in it. We don’t keep sugar in our houses. No, we don’t. We are recovering sugar addicts. Every last one of us, we’re recovering sugar addicts. You didn’t get fat and sick by eating carrots all day. Nobody’s going into their cupboards. Nobody’s going to their fridge and pulling out that bottom drawer and eating all the carrots in the package. Nobody’s doing that. I like when dr Hyman says, when I was doing my residency, he said late at night I wasn’t craving broccoli and kale. All right? I was craving Snickers bar. So if it’s in your house, that’s job one. You’ve got to clear it out of your house. Most of us are proximity ears.


07:46          If it’s close to us, if we have it, we will eat it. See, here’s the deal. You’ll walk by it 50 times and you’ll be thinking, you’re all that. Woo. Look at me. Look at me. I’m walking by. I’m walking by like I’m not even tempted. I’m not even tempted. Oh, believe me, it’ll wear you down and you’ll be tempted and you will cave every time. And I can say that with certainty. I’ve had over 40,000 people go through my challenges. I know what I’m doing. And several thousand people do a custom program. I know this industry. I’ve been in this industry 25 years. I’m telling you right now, you’ll cave if it’s in your house. No sugar in your house. Absolutely. Hands down. I don’t care if you have kids. Look, they shouldn’t be eating it either. You guys, I don’t want your kids to have it.


08:28          If you have a spouse that does not want to make this change, you have to remember that you are 50 50 owners of this house and your spouse needs to come halfway, which means, and I’ve never met a spouse, is not supportive. All right? I mean, a lot of spouses are like, you know, I’ve been around this mountain dozens of times with my spouse, with my wife, with my husband, all right. Tried and failed every diet on the planet. Is this just another one of their bullcrap diets and I that I get that you don’t want to believe that it could be the last time, but this could be the last time for them. So you need to, maybe if your spouse does not want to be code red and stuff, and I get it, that they’re 50 50 owner of the house, maybe you can have a talk with your spouse and ask him or her to put their junk food in a Rubbermaid bin and move it to the garage or move it to the man cave or move it to the sewing room and move it to wherever that person spends time in.


09:20          You don’t, but it has to be out of your house. The biggest reasons why people slip and fall is really not going through the drive-through. No, it’s really not driving down to the seven 11 no, it’s really not going to the movie and having popcorn. That’s not usually where people stumble and fall. It’s their own home day after day, night after night. They come home from work. They’re exhausted. Their willpower’s has been worn down. They just, Oh, they’re so exhausted. You know what? They just cave. They have the tacos with tortilla shells. Oh, that. That’s not bad, Cristy. Oh yeah. It’s bad for you. Absolutely. It is. Especially if you’re trying to lose weight, that’s going to spike your insulin. Insulin faster than anything. You’re going to cave, you’re going to cave. You’ve got to have that out of your sight, out of your reach, out of where you can get it, the fridge to be cleaned out.


10:11          The freezer needs to be cleaned out. There’s crap is hidden in the back. I keep my freezer very, very organized. You can see everything without having to touch anything. That’s me. Not everybody does that. So I want you to get into that freezer and I want you to dig. I want you to gig cause there’s cookie dough, frozen cookie dough underneath the frozen peas because when you’re having a sugar, a sweet attack and you’re having a craving, you’re going to go dig it out of there. So I want you to clean out that fridge, clean up the freezer, clean up the cupboards, go down to your car, your truck, clean out the glove box and then at work, clean out your desk. You hear me? You cannot be expected to say on track, especially in the beginning, in the first month, if you have got junk food surrounding you, especially if you’re a proximity eater.


11:02          If you get triggered, Katy bar the door. Alright, we dive. Sorry. I’d know I don’t trust you and guess what? I don’t even trust me. So you don’t see any peanut M and M’s in my cupboard. In fact, come to my cupboards. You don’t see anything that’s junk miles. If he wants something, he keeps things down in his office. Every single rebel abides by this rule. One of the top three rules of keeping your weight off of the rest of your life. You have to continue to drink your water every day. You have to stay on the scale every day and you never, never, never allowed junk food to stay in your house. If you have kids and you’re allowing them to eat this, but maybe you’re wanting to get them away from it, just start slowly replacing the junk food with fresh fruit and vegetables and meat and eggs and seeds and nuts.


11:46          Don’t make a big deal about it. Just are slowly replacing it. If you’re cooking real food, they’re gonna be happy with that. Real is good. Eggs and bacon are good. I have never seen a kid not want eggs and bacon. C’mon moms and dads got to clean out those cupboards. The next thing you’re going to want to do when you first start code red and you do a little housekeeping is kind of want to clean out the newsfeed. As much as we don’t want to admit social media is in our life. I love social media. I really do. I mean, people are like, I hate, so I love social media. I don’t know what the white people act like. They hate it. You love it, you know it, but I hate, I know you don’t. You love it. People are scrolling through social media and I have no problem with social media.


12:32          I mean, I have some problems with certain influencers only showing the perfect side of them and making it look like their life is perfect all the time. I have a little problem with that. I think that’s baloney. Filtered Photoshop. I have that, you know, I think that’s baloney. When young girls are allowed on social media and they get it in their mind or even young boys and they get it in their mind that girls are supposed to look like that and they have a picture of a normal person that’s been altered and then now young boys get it in their mind that future wives should look like that. Well everybody should look like that. No, they probably going to look like your mom. You know, like let’s be realistic on women. And then you may have with young girls that are feeling inadequate and they’re putting so much pressure on themselves to try to look like something that’s not even real like that’s been altered.


13:17          So I mean that got a little problem with that. But social media in is here to stay and you are going to have to clean out those news feeds. You are going to have to go through Instagram, Facebook, tick talks, Snapchat, YouTube, whatever. You follow whatever you do and you’re gonna want to clean out the people and the advertisements and the companies that don’t line up with your new way of thinking. Do you really want this to be a lifestyle change? Are you just trying to lose some weight to make your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend jealous? What are you trying to do? Your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. Yeah, that, that was right. I said it so fast. I was like, what? What are you trying to do? Because if you’re really wanting to make this a lifestyle change, you have got to get surrounded by companies and ads and other people who line up with your way of thinking.


14:07          If he’s trying to quit drinking wine, the last thing you need is a bunch of little memes and say it’s wine 30 Oh it’s five o’clock somewhere. I just want to rescue dogs and drink wine. Bullcrap. I am militant. You have never seen someone more militant than me about what’s in my newsfeed. I mean, if somebody posts something even once, that doesn’t line up with my way of thinking, I unfollow them. I don’t even put up with it. If a company, and I don’t mind ads, I mean I buy crap too like everybody else does. Sometimes. Hey, I mean maybe I didn’t know I needed that suitcase. They should. I think I need that suitcase. So I don’t mind the ads, but I’m telling you, if an ad shows one single thing of something I don’t like or don’t, it doesn’t line up with my way of thinking and it doesn’t line up with my lifestyle.


14:57          I unfollow it. I hide that ad. I am militant. I don’t give any chances. Zero chances, no second chances. I have zero second chances. I so show guarded with my newsfeed and this is the way you want to be. You want to get people cause you’re scrolling through your newsfeed. Don’t underestimate the power of your newsfeed. It’s right there in front of you. You’re scrolling through it, you’re absorbing that energy, those thoughts, those pictures, and those words are going into your mind. They’re becoming things eventually. So let’s get things in there that line up with your new way of thinking. You like Betty Crocker, you follow Betty Crocker. Well, Betty Crocker is putting up those chocolate cake recipes that shows you how to make a chocolate cake in 36 seconds and it’s that fast forward and all of a sudden it comes out with this beautiful chocolate cake that’s got to go sugar addict.


15:48          That’s got to go. You got to treat yourself like an addict because you are a recovering sugar addict. I am. Maybe that makes you feel uncomfortable. You’ve got to become militant about what you are looking at on social media. If social media wasn’t that big of a deal as like it is, then that’d be one thing, but it is a big deal. Very big deal and you’ve got to go through there and hide ads and hide people, unfollow people. If they are talking too much about margarita Mondays, who’s going girls taco Tuesdays, who’s going to be there? I’m going to get a big booth guys. Those guys are just not in your, they’re not vibrating at your frequency anymore. You don’t need to be a jerk about it, but that’s just not where it’s at anymore. That was your old life and that old life.


16:37          Did you know good made you fat, made you sick time for a new newsfeed. The third thing kind of along the same lines that you’re going to want to do is you’re going to wanna clean out those friends. [inaudible]. This makes you a little bit uncomfortable talking about, not for me though. I’m not uncomfortable talking about it, but you might be uncomfortable talking about, you might even be uncomfortable just hearing my voice right now and talking about it, but guess what? There are some friends that call themselves friends and they might not really love you like you think they do because I can tell you right now it’s changing into this lifestyle. You’re going to lose some friends because you, what happens is your new ways of looking at food and water and sleep and mealtimes. It’s going to convict some people. It’s not going to line up with their way of doing things.


17:34          I mean, we always went to Margarita Mondays. We’ve been doing this for 15 years. Karen, why can’t you come now? Well, guess what? I’ve been obese for 15 years and I’m pretty sick of it. My type two is getting out of control. My agency’s 10.6 I can’t margarita Mondays anymore. Girls. Well, Karen, listen, you might lose some friends over this because sometimes people just aren’t there. They can’t support you all the way. Some people will, some people won’t. Even people that are your family members you might find are difficult. They’re being difficult with you. It’s time to get rid of some friends guys. You don’t have to make a big deal about it. You don’t have, you can unfollow people silently. You don’t need to make a big deal. You don’t have to stand up and make a spectacle of it. You can still love your friend, but you just got to maybe back off of the amount of time that you spend around him because what kind of energy are they feeding into you?


18:28          Are they causing you to aspire higher or are they constantly complaining about their husband and kids? Are they constantly complaining about work instead of being thankful they have a job? Are they constantly complaining about this hurts that hurts. I’m so tired. I have no libido. Everything hurts in me. Can’t even get up out of the recliner without my knees hurting a dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad. I am really not surprising to hear this. I know, but I am really, really, really, really, really protective of, of who I spend my time with. I would much rather thousand times much rather sit at a coffee shop by myself and work. Then sit with somebody that doesn’t vibrate at my frequency or higher. I’m not coming down for anybody. I’m not, I’m not going to soak up that negative energy from somebody.


19:19          I’m just not. I’m, I refuse to. My time is too valuable. My mission is too valuable. My message is too valuable to take one second of coming down a notch. I’m not going to come down a notch ever and I’m, I’m sorry if this comes off as pompous to you or if I’m coming off as, as seeming better than thou. I absolutely am not. Believe me. I know where I came from. I was raised poor in a trailer. I know exactly who I am, but I am not going to allow people to be around me that are going to bring me down and you have got to be just as protective as I am. You got to put down your boundaries and honor those boundaries. Learn to say no. Learn to say no to some certain people. The fourth and final bit of code red housekeeping that you’re going to need to do is you’re going to want to clean out your head, clean out your head.


20:14          What the heck does that mean, Cristy? It means you’re going to have to do some housekeeping up inside between here and here. All right, up in between your ears, your thoughts become things and what’s going on up in here is the most important part about all this, and I probably should’ve put it as number one, but really I personally think it’s hard to clear out your thoughts when you first start code red because you don’t trust the process because you don’t trust yourself. You don’t trust yourself. You have so many questions, you’re unsure. It’s just enough just to get you through every three hours of the day, not even day by day, every half a day. I mean, you’re lucky to get through a half a day for crying out loud. I mean, I have a relative to said that when she first started code red, she just would say to herself, okay, if I can just get through 9:00 AM okay, if I can just get through noon and not have any junk food, okay, if I can just get through 3:00 PM okay if I can just get through six, if I can just get to bed and not have any junk food, she had to chunk up the day in three-hour segments.


21:12          So look, there are some of you that are really taken super, super, super baby steps and that’s okay. So cleaning out your head is not usually the first thing that happens. You’re usually just trying to go through the motions and just trusting me and doing exactly what I say. You don’t even believe it’s going to work, but you’re trusting me and you’re doing what I’m saying. And then you do. You soon see that it’s going to work but cleaning out your head has to happen in the first month of code red. You have got to start dealing with the thoughts in your head. Thoughts become things. So what are we talking about? We’re talking about repeating mantras to yourself. I am beautiful. I am smart, I’m getting healthier every day. Guys. I am handsome, I am smart, I’m getting healthier every day. You can say I’m a good provider for my family.


21:59          I’m a good mom or dad. I’m a wonderful wife. I’m a great sister. I’m an awesome auntie and I am an awesome handsy. I just sent my niece Courtney, a gift card to Amazon just cause she won a contest or something cause she’s in a Ph.D. program at WSU and she’s so smart. I can’t even, I can’t even understand what she’s studying is some sort of genetics. I don’t know but I am a good antsy. Well, then why don’t you tell yourself you’re a good Nancy. Why don’t you say I’m a good mom? Why don’t you say I am pretty, I’m strong. I’m thankful for this body that gave birth to four kids. Why can’t we start saying this to ourselves? Well, that’s weird. Well, it needs to become not weird. We can say things to ourselves out loud. Let’s change the words because what’s going on in your head?


22:46          That’s what’s coming out of your mouth. And even if it’s not, even if you don’t believe it, even if it’s, it’s like you’re a piece of garbage. That’s what’s going on inside your head. You’re a piece of garbage. You’re just, you’re worthless. All right. You’ve never done anything. You dropped out of high school. You know, you can’t even write cursive. I don’t even know. Like, like there’s some crap that goes to our head, but the words that you can repeat where I’m strong, I’m healthy, I’m smart. The words that you can repeat, start repeating those even if you don’t believe in and you will start changing the voice in your head sometimes when things get inside my head that don’t belong there. And yes, that does happen. Like conversations, like, you know, I get my share of hate mail and I get my share of haters online.


23:28          And you know, I mean it, that really just doesn’t bother me. I get, I run some pretty big ads. And so the comments, you know, you’re talking about as going out to hundreds of thousands of people, millions of people all over the United States, you’re going to get some pretty nasty comments. And the big, the big comment I get that I laugh at is people think I’m a, is it they think I’m a dude, which I just not, not offended over, you know, like I’m, that just means I have some masculine energy and I know I do. And I know that I’ve got more muscles in the average girl and I built and I’m a big girl and I’m built with just very thick and you know, I have a masculine qualities and I just don’t see that as a problem. I really don’t. And my husband loves me, he finds me attractive and I am feminine, but, and I’ve heard someone described me as the perfect mixture of masculine and feminine.


24:15          And I think that’s a wonderful compliment, but I get a lot of comments about, you know, that I’m a dude, you know, and I, and that I, I mean just all kinds of mean things. So I get my share too. But in fact, I, I was at a coffee shop here recently and the owner came up to me and was accused me of being mean to her employee, which I absolutely did not do. I would never be mean to any employee in any restaurant. Cause I know people know who I am and that’s just rude. I’m just, I’m not, I’m a kind person. I’m just not gonna do that. And I replayed the, after an I, I was very kind and I didn’t say what I really wanted to say. And after she left, after the next few days, that conversation kept going over and over my head.


24:55          And I kept saying, boy, you should have said this, you know, let me tell you something, you know, like dah, dah, dah. You go to those conversations, your head. Finally, I said to myself and those that was happening to me. And finally, I said to myself, stop Cristy. Stop thinking about this. This conversation that’s going on in your head is doing you no good. Is this causing you to aspire higher? Is this causing you to rise up? Why don’t you instead take this time that you’re wasting thinking about the stupid conversation that happened a week ago and create a new program for code red? How about you develop a new program? How about you get some of that crap off your to-do list done? Like, knock it off. I have to say to myself, I will now get out of my head stop and sometimes I have to say it 10 12 times a day.


25:36          Stop. Get out of my head. Stop. This is not a healthy thing to be fixated on and I get fixated on crap like that. You know like you do, but you’ve got to clean out the thoughts that are going on in the first month on Code Red. That’s part of Code Red housekeeping. We’re talking about cleaning out your cupboards, cleaning out your newsfeed, cleaning out your friends list both in-person and online and you’ve got to start cleaning out your thoughts. Code Red housekeeping so important, usually happens in the first month on Code Red, and that’s what we take you through with our 10-pound takedown challenge. We take you through steps on how to do this. We don’t talk about clean out your friend’s list on day two because we’re just trying to get you through the water, tracking the water, tracking the weight, tracking your sleep like we take you through at the pace you need to go.


26:25          That’s why the 10-pound takedown challenge is so incredibly effective. So effective at letting people dip their toe into the lifestyle for $47 and deciding from there if they’re ready to get the rest of the weight off and commit fully and make this a permanent lifestyle change. It’s a great way to see if that’s what you’re ready to do cause you have to be ready for it the first month on Code Red. That’s your Code Red housekeeping. I hope that helped. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Guys, thank you for joining me and I’ll talk to you on the next episode. Take care. Thank you.


27:02          Thanks so much for listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. If you’re a Code Red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your free Code Red lifestyle on-the-go guide, now is your time to get a copy. This guide will teach you how to stay Code Red-approved even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode’s show notes, and click the link to get your Code Red-approved on-the-go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle.