As we head into summer travel season, you’re probably thinking about what kinds of foods you can bring that are Code Red-approved.
Here are three guidelines you can use to pick Code Red-friendly travel foods on your own. Grab the Code Red foods list and look for foods that meet the following criteria:
1) They’re non-perishable.
I don’t mean they need a shelf life of forty years. I mean that if you pack them in a suitcase for a few hours, they won’t spoil.
Depending on the trip you’re taking, perishable foods can totally work. But if you’re not sure where to even start, start with foods that fit this bill.
2) They’re lightweight and easy to transport.
I’m a pretty minimalist packer, so I typically choose foods that don’t weigh a ton and are easy to eat.
Again, depending on the trip you’re taking, like camping in an RV, you may have space for bigger foods. (I’ve taken frozen steak on short plane trips!)
That being said, compact foods that are easy to eat will save you a lot of time, money, space, and energy.
3) Choose foods that aren’t super messy.
If you’re opening your food in the passenger seat of your car, or in-flight, the last thing you want is a gross food mess to clean up. In addition to foods that are lightweight and non-perishable enough to take, look for foods that aren’t going to squirt and drip all over the place.
It’s one thing to dust a little food residue off your hands. It’s another to have your face, hands, and shirt smeared with food. Pick foods that aren’t super messy to eat, and bring some paper towels or disposable hand wipes, just in case.
“Does this mean I shouldn’t bring liquids, Cristy?”
Not necessarily. If you have them in the proper container, liquids can work great. I’ve brought apple cider vinegar, heavy cream, Nut Pods, and even extra virgin olive oil on trips.
Staying on track while you travel is a lot easier when you’re prepared. Having easy, delicious Code Red-approved foods handy is the first step to losing weight (instead of gaining it) on trips!