You’ve been lied to

Here’s something to think about if you still think pills, shakes, and magic powders are necessary for weight loss.

Nobody’s fat because of a diet pill deficiency.

Nobody’s fat because they aren’t drinking enough weight loss shakes.

Nobody’s fat because of a weight loss surgery deficiency.

And nobody’s fat because they aren’t eating enough mail-order processed specialty “diet foods.”

You’ve been programmed to think your body can only drop weight with gimmicks.

But it’s ALL a lie.

Your body is designed to thrive on real food, water, and sleep.

Seriously, think about it.

Before obesity became an epidemic – so for the vast majority of human history – most people were not obese (or even overweight). 

It’s not because they were drinking weight loss shakes. (Because there were none.)

It’s not because they were taking diet pills. (Because there were none.)

They sure as heck weren’t getting weight loss surgery. (Because there was none.)

And it’s laughable to think they were ordering specialty diet foods in the mail. (Because there were no specialty diet foods.)

If you still have a weight problem, it’s not because your body needs a magic pill, powder, patch, processed “diet food,” or mutilating surgery.

It’s because your body’s not getting enough of what it’s naturally designed to thrive on, and/or because it’s getting TOO MUCH of what’s hurting it.

Your body NEEDS real food, water, and sleep to be at its best.

It also needs to stop being constantly subjected to what hurts it.

Sure, your body is amazing and can recover from a LOT (or a lot of us would be dead already)…but if you keep feeding it what hurts it and depriving it of what it needs, it’ll keep breaking down until it hits a point of no return.

And then it’ll be too late.

PLEASE do not let that happen to you.

Nail the basics of real food, water, and sleep. CONSISTENTLY.

Follow the simple Code Red rules. Make as much of your food REAL food (directly from animals and plants) as possible.

It IS possible for you to lose weight, keep it off, and feel better, when you give your body what it’s naturally designed to thrive on.

Forget the gimmicks and focus on what your body was created to need: real food, water, and sleep.