Why sleep is the #1 rule in weight loss (and why, if you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing!)

It’s astonishing how little the traditional medical community talks about sleep. 

The first question out of your doctor’s mouth should be, “How are you sleeping?”

Even when your doctor does ask, most in the traditional medical community are way too quick to throw Ambien at you.

See, across the board, we’ve learned that sleep is number one when it comes to good health and weight loss.

Yet most people are so sleep deprived that half the time, they’re not even aware of it.

Instead, they walk around tired, stressed and not feeling their best.

Worst of all, they’re so used to feeling that way, they think it’s normal.

It’s not!! And lack of sleep is a HUGE part of the problem.

It’s also why I filmed a video about the importance of sleep, especially when you wanna lose weight and keep it off.

Even on Code Red, you can be doing everything else right, but if you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn in my video below:

– Take a nap every day, and wondering whether that’s okay? I’ll tell you!
– Have trouble falling asleep? Here’s what I do (plus other tips to get a great night’s sleep).
– Notice that junk food cravings are stronger when you’re sleep-deprived? Here’s why.

– Why you can’t reason with your body when it comes to sleep.
– Exactly why lack of sleep not only stalls your weight loss, but can actually cause you to GAIN weight.

Click below to watch video about sleep, because getting your sleep is THE best thing you can do for your health, and for your weight loss.


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