Why men do so great on the Code Red Lifestyle

Most of my clients are women, which is great! Yet I REALLY like working with men.

It’s because men see my programs as a task to complete.

Sure, they have their own deep emotional reasons for wanting to lose weight, just like women.

When it comes to their actual custom program, however, their emotions aren’t all wrapped up in learning it or executing it.

For them, it’s simply a task to complete, like putting on a pair of jeans, or changing a light bulb.

There’s no drama, and there’s no arguing.

Men are in the minority on the Code Red Lifestyle, but the ones who commit to it get fantastic results.

The guy pictured here is Sean Brown. He and his wife, Mindy, both invested in custom programs (and they are both doing an amazing job!).

Sean’s lost 34 pounds in 52 days (so far!). He’s going to be at goal weight before we know it.

As you can tell by his “after” picture above, it won’t be much longer.

Guys, I’d love to have you join the Code Red Lifestyle. You can check out custom programs at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/Programs.

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Would you and members of your church, company, or other organization, love to lose weight and improve your health as a team? Click the button below to send us an email! Just mention you’re interested in learning more about group programs, and we’ll get your questions answered.