Why I hate Nike’s new campaign (and what it means for your weight loss)

I saw this, and it really ticked me off.

Nike just launched this campaign for people who are lazy and sluggish, want to sit around all the time, and don’t really feel like doing anything.

They have a whole line of clothing coming out for people feeling that way.

So exactly what’s my problem with it?

First of all, let me tell you, I have down days like that where I don’t feel like doing anything. Maybe I’ve got PMS, or didn’t get enough sleep because my dog threw up at 2 AM. Or maybe I’m traveling, and had to get up early to catch a flight.

But there’s a difference between occasionally feeling lazy and sluggish, and launching a whole campaign to celebrate and normalize being lazy and sluggish.

THAT is what I have a problem with, and here’s why:

Because are not designed to feel lazy and sluggish. It’s not how we’re meant to feel on a regular basis, anymore than we’re meant to feel depressed, suicidal, or scared on a regular basis.

Feeling lazy and sluggish, whether we’re talking about me or you, is, 99% of the time, a direct result of the food and beverages you’re shoving in your pie hole.

Food is your body’s fuel, and if you’re giving it crap fuel, you can expect to feel like crap.

That’s not something to celebrate and feel good about, any more than filling your car up with Coca Cola instead of unleaded gasoline is something to celebrate.

Putting in the wrong fuel screws up your car, and putting in the wrong fuel screws up YOU.

I couldn’t disagree MORE with anything – like this bullcrap campaign – that celebrates and tries to normalize feeling like crap.

Our bodies are not designed to thrive from lying around for eight hours a day watching Netflix and snacking on junk.

Our bodies are not designed to thrive under artificial lights.

Our bodies are not designed to thrive with our hormones completely out of whack due to crap food, dehydration, and lack of sleep.

Don’t fall for Nike’s bullcrap campaign trying to normalize and celebrate feeling like garbage; and encouraging you to hide from life in by going facedown in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s anytime something doesn’t go your way. You’re better than that.

Start expecting more of yourself. Be a person of excellence.

Get in bed on time and treat your body with respect, so it can take care of you.

“Fat, dumb and happy” is what some very powerful industries want you to be, so they can milk you for every penny and tell you it’s ALL your fault and you’ll never be enough.

Don’t let them get away with it.

Use real food, water, and sleep to FEEL BETTER and live the incredible life you’re meant for.

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