July 4 is the date Americans celebrate breaking free from British rule, so we call it Independence Day.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the meaning of the word independent includes the following:
- Not subject to control by others
- Not looking to others for one’s opinions or guidance in conduct
I especially like that second one, because it SO applies when you’re wanting to get your weight off.
One of the biggest hangups I see people struggle with is what other people in their life will think.
Their partner, their family, their friends, their co-workers…they tie themselves in knots freaking out about what ALL these other people think.
Meanwhile, what THEY think counts for jack squat.
I’ll ask them, “Do you want to stay on track and get this weight off?”
The answer is almost always yes, but if they’re worried about what others think, they’ll start whipping out excuses…
“I’ll feel left out.”
“My husband tries to sabotage me.”
“People will ask me why I’m not eating.”
Notice how all those excuses have some element of allowing other people to control you your choices?
Living that way is not at all independent.
And while I’m not saying you have to cut people out of your life and not give one single rip about their thoughts or feelings, I AM saying you don’t have to conform to what they want instead of doing what’s right for you.
To me, doing what’s right for you even if other people make comments and have opinions is the true mark of an independent person.
So for Independence Day – and ideally, every day thereafter – decide to do what’s right for YOU…like stay on track, and wake up July 5 with weight loss (instead of weight gain) and feeling GOOD about yourself.
I know you can do it. Whether or not you know it, or even believe it, really doesn’t matter.
What matters is what you DO.
DO what’s right for you, and you’ll start believing you can.
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