When you know better, but still aren’t doing better, then what?

You’ve probably heard this quote: “When you know better, you do better.”

I’ve publicly stated I think that quote leaves a lot to be desired, because most people I’ve talked to “know” better in at least one area of their life, but aren’t doing better.

I see this in some Code Red Rebels, too.

They believe in the lifestyle. They know it works. They know they feel better when they stick with it.

And yet, they aren’t doing as well as they want to.

In other words, they know better, but aren’t doing better.

So why does this happen? We do we know better, but sometimes not do better?

There’s no EASY answer to this question, because for most people, there are a lot of factors contributing to why you know better, but aren’t doing better.

A place you can start, however, is by getting your subconscious mind and conscious mind on the same page.

See, most people don’t realize that our subconscious mind is what runs the show. (Even I forget sometimes!)

We believe it’s our conscious mind is in the driver’s seat, but it’s not.

It’s like believing that your gas pedal is what makes your car accelerate, but ignoring that the car needs a working engine and fuel in the gas tank before it’ll go. If it doesn’t have those things, then no amount of pumping that gas pedal will make your car react the way you want it to.

Your subconscious mind is like your car’s engine, and your conscious mind is the gas pedal. You think it’s what makes you go, but it’s the “engine” of your subconscious mind that actually runs your “car.”

What’s interesting about your subconscious mind is that it thinks it’s doing what’s best for you. You may not always feel that it is, but that’s beside the point. The point is, your subconscious mind believes it is.

In order to both know better AND do better, teaching your subconscious mind what you actually do want is key.

“So how do I do that, Cristy?”

First of all, treat it with compassion, the way you would a scared kid, or a pet you love.

Don’t hate on it and treat it like your enemy. It’s just trying to protect you, based on beliefs it formed in the past.

Second, give it a voice and talk to it, like I show you how to do in my Code Red Revolution book. (www.CodeRedRevolution.com.)

I know, that might sound a little weird to do, but humor me, because it leads to breakthroughs!

Your subconscious mind is probably afraid of something, and when you can let it have its say, and look at the meaning its applying to your choices and actions, you can help it understand how staying on track with real food, water, and sleep is what’s actually best for you.

An amazing guy named Dr. Myron Golden says, “I don’t do things I don’t want to do.”

So instead of trying to reach his goals by MAKING himself do what he doesn’t want to do, he instead looks at how he can WANT to do those things.

Helping your subconscious mind see that following the Code Red Lifestyle™ is the best thing for you will REALLY help you want to do it. Staying on track’s not a struggle when ALL of you wants to do it!

Think it over. (No pun intended.)

Listen, without judgment, to your subconscious mind’s fears and concerns. Look at whether they’re “reality,” or just beliefs based on past experience.

That’ll help you take a MASSIVE leap in the direction of DOING better.