When can I have ________ again?

Let’s talk about the diet mentality.

I define it as a temporary change you make in the hope of losing weight, before returning to the same food and habits that got you fat and sick in the first place.

Think of it like driving your car over a spike strip, like the kind police throw out to stop a fleeing driver they’re trying to intercept.

The diet mentality is like driving your car over the spike stripe, taking it to the tire place and getting new tires, then driving it over the spike strip again, expecting that THIS time it won’t destroy your tires.

Obviously, it will. When you get the new tires, you can’t keep driving your car over spike trips if you want those tires to stay whole.

Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it?

But that’s exactly what the diet mentality is.

We’re told to “diet and exercise” to lose our weight. (How that’s supposed to translate to keeping our weight off is conveniently omitted.)

For that reason, we’re conditioned by the diet industry, and even the fitness and medical communities, to believe something that keeps us yo-yo dieting for DECADES (if not our entire lives).

That’s why people thinking of doing Code Red contact my support team and ask, “When can I have _________ again?”

So if you’re reading this, thinking of trying Code Red, and wondering “when you can have _______ again,” here’s the bottom line.

You’re not ready to succeed on Code Red.

Do Rebels who lose all their weight and keep it off ever indulge in things again that aren’t on the “approved for weight loss mode” side of the foods list?

Yes, if they want.

(And by the way, Code Red DOES teach you how to maintain your weight loss.)

But losing your weight and keeping it off requires a mindset shift.

It requires deciding that NO food is more important to you than being free not just of your weight, but of all the things your weight represents and is keeping you from.

I’m talking about things like enjoying being in photos, instead of avoiding them, and feeling mortified when you see one.

Or fearing that you won’t live long enough to see your kids or grandkids grow up and get married.

Or being so heavy and sick you can’t even play with them, do the things you used to love or want to try…or even walk half a block without feeling like you’re gonna keel over and die because you’re so out of breath.

It’s 100% up to you which is more important – bullcrap food, or taking your life back from fat, sickness, and misery – and NO ONE can make that decision for you.

Code Red is a lifestyle (which is why it’s called the Code Red Lifestyle™, not the Code Red Diet). We don’t do DIETS.

If you give Code Red a real shot and decide it’s not the lifestyle for you, that’s totally fine. I’m all about finding what works for you.

But don’t come to Code Red unless you’re serious. You will not find the typical “lol, I can’t wait to get back to eating this!” crap you get away with on “diets.”

If you wanna give Code Red that real shot I mentioned, use the link below to register for the 10 Pound Takedown. It’s 30 days–long enough to give you a real taste of what Code Red’s all about, but short enough that you can commit to it without feeling overwhelmed.

If you’d rather keep “dieting,” there are plenty of those out there to choose from.