This week I attended KetoCon 2019 in Austin, Texas, to learn even more about the benefits of and science behind what we do on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
Code Red and keto have a lot of the same principles, but on Code Red, we don’t keep the fat percentage as high, because that typically means sacrificing vegetables.
We also emphasize water and sleep a lot more than “mainstream” keto.
And, of course, I make it clear exercise is not a way to address a weight problem.
One thing that came up a lot at KetoCon–something I’ve been saying for years–is that you HAVE to find what works for you.
A lot of people either don’t want to hear this, or just don’t understand what it means.
It’s also contrary to a lot of the weight loss information out there, which hands everyone the same exact foods, in the same exact amounts.
That cannot possibly work long-term, because everyone is different!
On the custom programs I write for my clients, I give you custom numbers that include a water amount and calorie range.
But within that calorie range, what works for you may be different than what works for Sally.
For example, Sally (even though her calorie range is different than yours) may need to stay at the lower end of her calorie range to lose her weight. You may need to stay at the higher end.
Sally may be able to eat dairy and lose just fine. You may need to cut it out, because it’s keeping you inflamed and stalling you.
On Code Red, we give you unparalleled support, and teach you how to find what works for you, but we don’t spoon feed you. Why?
Because spoon feeding sets you up for failure when it comes to keeping your weight off long-term. If we’re ever not there to spoon feed you, then what?
No, we teach you critical thinking, so you feel empowered and confident that you can handle whatever food situation life throws your way.
And a HUGE part of that facet is helping you find what works for you.
Tracking your weight, water consumption, and sleep, plus listening to your body and paying attention to how you feel, are simple steps anyone can use to get started finding what works for them.
An item like this can be used to track sleep.
Tracking these three simple things and listening to your body will set you up to actually lose the weight AND keep it off for life.
Only you can feel what’s going on in your body. Listen to it, work with it, and plan to experiment a little.
It’s time to take control of our weight and health, instead of leaving them in the hands of drug and food companies.