What should I eat on Code Red if I’m sick?

Spring cold and flu season has arrived, and a question on your mind might be: “What should I eat on Code Red if I’m sick?”

Before I get into that, let me say this:

Getting sleep and drinking your water, in combination with the way we eat on Code Red, are your best chance for preventing colds and flus, as well as your best chance for a speedy recovery.

So if you’re a Rebel who has a cold, keep doing what you’re doing. You can take extra vitamins and minerals if you want, but your diet, water, and sleep are your best defense.

If you have a flu, same deal, especially the sleep. If your body is exhausted and wants to sleep it off, let it!

If it’s a stomach flu, and you can’t keep food down, here’s what NOT to do.

DON’T force yourself to eat.

If your body cannot keep food down, it makes zero sense to try and force it.

“But Cristy, don’t I need nutrients?”

I’m not saying you should starve yourself.

What I’m saying is that if your body throws up food, it’s sending you a message that you’re ignoring.

Yes, you need nutrients, but your body may need some resources to fight off the flu, and digestion takes two-thirds of your body’s energy. Give it a little time and space to do its thing.

Ain’t nobody gonna die from skipping a meal here and there.

DON’T eat the inflammatory “home remedies” most people resort to with a flu.

When your body’s already sick, it’s already inflamed.

That means eating inflammatory foods is the OPPOSITE of what you wanna be doing.

Unfortunately, the usual “home remedies” like eating bland toast, chicken noodle soup, and drinking 7-Up are HIGHLY inflammatory, between the grains and the sugar.

Instead of giving your body exactly what it doesn’t need, drink your water (if you can keep it down). Add electrolytes to it. (See www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/Shop for the electrolyte supplements I endorse.)

Hydration will help your body flush the crud.

If you ABSOLUTELY need to eat – your call, okay? – sip bone broth (it’s like chicken soup without the noodles) or stick with small amounts of super bland foods, like chicken or avocado.

If you’re at all worried about your health when you’re sick, as always, please see your doctor.

Bottom line: Living the Code Red Lifestyle™, correctly and consistently, is both your best offense and your best defense when it comes to fighting off colds and flus.

If you do catch something, the tips in this post will help you deal with it.

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1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.