Do I HAVE to meal prep on Code Red?

If you’re someone who prefers to wing it, and/or doesn’t like to cook, the idea of meal prep might sound tedious. I get it.

The thing is, when you’re changing your lifestyle, and that change involves transforming how you eat, guess what?

You aren’t gonna magically stop wanting the foods that you’re eating now.

If the new way you’re eating is sustainable, you may not miss them all as much as you expect, and in some cases, you may not miss them at all.

But there’s probably gonna be SOMETHING you miss.

Add to that life’s unpredictability, and it’s likely you’ll get stuck someplace where you don’t have foods around that are in alignment with your new way of eating.

Meal prep can save you from ALL of that.

First of all, if your healthy meal is all ready to go, it’ll be just as easy for you to grab that as it will be for you to grab crap or call DoorDash.

Second, preparing your food makes it easy to grab and keep nearby if something unexpected happens.

Ain’t nobody gonna die from skipping a meal, so if it’s a one-time thing, skipping crap is better than going off-plan.

But by having prepped meals around, you have quick, healthy, grab and go options.

Another reason people dread meal prep is because they think it requires hours in the kitchen making gourmet meals.

On the Code Red Lifestyle™, I ALWAYS recommend keeping it simple. Simple foods mean simple meal prep. Single-ingredient foods are as simple as it gets.

So to answer your question, do you “have” to meal prep on Code Red?

Look you, don’t “have” to do anything. But do you WANT to stay on track and get your weight off?

If so, then meal prep is a powerful tool that’ll make it easy for you to stay on track.

Keep your meals simple, and meal prep will be simple, too…and a lot faster than you think.

You can prep a whole week of meals, or do a couple days at a time.

You can cook your meat and save your veggies for the day of, or vice versa if that works better for you.

Foods you don’t have to cook, like pickles, olives, guacamole, deli lunch meat, nuts, and certain veggies – to name just a few –  REALLY take the work out of meal prep.

Either way, I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you’re struggling to stay on track, or worried you won’t…because like I said, when your prepped meals are within easy reach, you’re more likely to grab those than the crap.

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1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.