The “big girl (or guy) mentality” happens to most people after they lose some weight.
It happens because the weight comes off your body before it comes off your mind, so you may “forget” that you are at your new size.
You may still see “heavy” you in pictures.
You may see a window reflection of you at your new size and not recognize yourself.
You may absent-mindedly head straight for the plus size clothing section, even though you’re down to a medium.
Here’s a story from a successful Code Red Rebel about her experience with “the big girl mentality.”
“It had been 10 years since I last bought myself a bathing suit, and I had an anxiety attack in the dressing room while trying some on. Normally I’m a steady person, but I felt sick to my stomach and was crying…not because I didn’t see myself the way I am now, but because, after decades of just buying what fit and being thankful that it fit, now I have SO many options. It’s overwhelming and I don’t know where to begin.”
Experiences like that are VERY common, and it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.
What it does mean is that your brain needs some time to get used to seeing and “remembering” you at your new size.
You are probably gonna have moments where you are caught off guard by your new size, or even forget!
Remember to take progress pictures so you can compare them as you lose weight. Look at them often!
Wear clothes that actually fit you. If you’re used to “hiding” in shapeless clothes that hang down and cover the fat you no longer have, get a couple items that fit properly. You can start with thrift store items if you want, so you don’t break the bank.
Bring a trusted friend or family with you – someone who will be honest with you about whether the clothes fit properly.
You can also ask a sales associate for help. Maybe not at a thrift store, but if you go to a clothing store with employees on the floor to help out if you need them, just tell them you’ve lost weight and have no idea what size you should be. They’ll be happy to help (and probably excited for you).
“The fat girl mentality” comes up, but if you’re experiencing it, it does not have to get the better of you.
Give yourself grace, give it time, and give your brain “evidence” of your new size. It WILL catch up!
Need help adjusting to “the new you?” Then click here to check out the online course, Loving The New You!