What if I WANT to exercise and do Code Red?

You’ve heard me say it: On the Code Red Lifestyle, we lose weight without shakes, pills, diet foods, or exercise.

I harp on exercise a lot as it pertains to weight loss, and there are people who take that to mean I don’t like exercise, or that I don’t think you should exercise.

Time to set the record straight.

My stance on exercise is that it is not a way to address a weight problem. Weight loss is 100% nutrition.

Not 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT nutrition.

But thanks to misinformation and marketing from powerful industries, society is brainwashed to believe you have to exercise to lose weight.

Even worse, most people believe they can “exercise off” all the bull crap food they’re eating.

In other words, they try to use exercise as a crutch to continue squeezing in the food that’s keeping them fat.

And then you’ve got people in wheelchairs, or people who are way too sick and in pain to exercise, who feel completely hopeless, because again, society has them convinced that if they can’t exercise, they’re doomed to fatness.

So in order to get through all that brainwashing, I HAVE to go on and on about the fact exercise is not a way to address a weight problem.

When my Rebels who are still in weight loss mode tell me they want to exercise, the first question I ask them is:


If their answer even hints that they think it’ll help them lose weight faster, I have to nip it in the bud…especially since A) Exercise increases hunger, and B) Some exercise, like heavy weight lifting, can actually stall your weight loss.

Plus, eating for weight loss and eating for performance are as different as the east is from the west, which means you either train for the marathon or you lose weight, but doing both at once is gonna frustrate you.

Look, in case it’s not clear, I love exercise!

I exercise daily, and when my Rebels get to goal weight, I encourage them to get serious about regular exercise.

It’s a healthy part of life and it has a million benefits, like helping with depression, processing stress, improving your cardiovascular health – I could go on and on.

But if you’re on Code Red, or if you’re thinking of joining Code Red, and you’re wanting to exercise, ask yourself WHY.

If it’s even an inkling of that that lingering brainwashing from society, you’re setting yourself up for frustration.

If it’s because you enjoy it, then remember what I said: It will make you hungrier, and if you give in to that (which is easy to do), the weight you’ll gain won’t be muscle. It’ll be because you’re overeating.

Also remember that the way you eat in weight loss mode will not help your performance.