“Cristy, I just don’t FEEL like losing weight.”
I get some version of that a lot for people who aren’t ready to go all the way, and you know something?
I get it.
NO ONE wants to “lose weight.”
You don’t wanna have to be disciplined.
You don’t wanna be the oddball at family gatherings.
You don’t wanna have to explain why you’re eating differently.
You don’t want the judgement, attention, or opinions from people when they find out you’re “losing weight” again.
I get it.
And what I would ask you is, what DO you want?
Ideally, to be able to eat whatever you feel like, whenever you feel like it, and not get sick or feel like crap, right?
Unfortunately that’s a fantasy – one the diet industry exploits to sell you shakes and pills.
If finding the non-existent quick fix is what you wanna do right now, let me ask you this.
Is it the ONLY thing you want?
Or are there other things…
Like be able to pick up your grandkid?
Like be able to climb a flight of stairs without feeling like you’re gonna keel over and die?
Like try on clothes and have it be FUN, instead of you crying in the dressing room because you can’t find one thing you like that fits?
Like not have to gag down 15 medications twice a day (or fork out the cash it takes to keep them around)?
Like get up in the morning without joint pain?
Like be intimate with your spouse and actually enjoy it, instead of wondering if they’re thinking about your size?
There’s probably more that I haven’t put here, but you get the idea.
Is eating “whatever you want, whenever you want,” even if it stands between you and ALL the other things you want really worth it?
If so, that’s your choice, and you’re not a victim. You’re going into it with your eyes wide open. There’s no point in beating yourself up about it. Accept that’s where you’re at, and live your life.
If, on the other hand, it’s not acceptable for food to stand between you and ALL the other things you want in your life, what all those things will feel like is the feeling you pay attention to, vs. the feeling of “not feeling like losing weight.”
Either way, it’s your choice. Choose the result you want MOST by taking the action that’ll get you there.
Get started on Code Red with the 30-day 10 Pound Takedown Challenge, where you can lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years. Join the challenge at www.10PoundTakedown.com.