What Do I Eat? October 26, 2019

We were getting a little low on groceries when I was ready to eat, so I planned my meal around what was available.

My Rebels are great at this, too, and you wanna know why?

Because Code Red’s not a program that spoon-feeds you exact measurements of every single food we want you to put in your mouth.

What happens if you’re at a greasy truck stop in Iowa, and I’m not there to tell you exactly how much of which foods to eat?

No one can follow you around for the rest of your life and hold your hand when it comes to your food.

That’s why Code Red teaches you to think for yourself. I want you to be successful for LIFE, not just “for now.”

Watch this week’s “What do I eat?” to see what available foods I used in my salad.

It’s nothing glamorous, and if you’re a gourmet chef you’ll be appalled, but everything worked with my needs, and I enjoyed it. That’s what I care about most of all, and what I want you to start caring about! Click below to check it out.