One of the Code Red Lifestyle’s fundamentals is waiting until you’re hungry to eat, instead of eating just because it’s meal time, or because the people around you are eating.
Another fundamental is eating only until you’re full.
Both are a paradigm shift for most people. A lot of us were raised to “clean our plate,” or guilted into eating by being told that there are starving kids in Africa.
That one just kills me. How is you being fat going to help starving kids in Africa?
I also see a lot of parents trying to get their kids to eat when their kids aren’t even hungry. That’s like insisting you put gasoline in your car when the gas tank is completely full.
Wait to eat until you’re hungry, and when you do eat, stop when you’re full. Do this often enough, and you’ll get better and better at choosing amounts of food that fit your appetite.
In this week’s What Do I Eat, I wasn’t very hungry, so made a smaller, simple, fast meal that works great for me. Make sure you check it out below!