For me, it doesn’t get much better than the food I eat in this week’s “What Do I Eat?”
Not only is it nutritious and just plain delicious, it’s simple.
A lot of people who join the Code Red Lifestyle are used to one of two things:
1) Eating food that’s already prepared.
It might be from the drive-thru, and it might be in in the form of pre-packaged food they can just heat up or add water to.
2) Complicated recipes with a million weird ingredients.
They may expect it because it’s what other weight loss programs do.
Other times, they themselves make complicated recipes, and keeping things simple is a huge mindset shift.
Delicious and simple are not mutually exclusive, and overcomplicating food on the Code Red Lifestyle leads to frustration and overwhelm.
For some people, that’s all it takes for them to give up.
The good news is, my meals are as simple as it gets.
So if you struggle with simple meal ideas, make sure you catch all my What Do I Eat videos, including this week’s. Check it out below!