What Do I Eat? February 2, 2019

So in this week’s What Do I Eat, I not only give you another fast, simple, tasty Code Red-approved meal I idea, I also talk about a super simple meal technique we use on Code Red.

It’s something you can do to stabilize your blood sugar from the get-go each day, plus help keep you so full you won’t feel like snacking (which is something we don’t do anyway on Code Red).

This technique’s going to seem pretty different than starting your day off with starchy oatmeal, toast, bagels, breakfast cereal, sugar-soaked juice, and other bull crap food society tells us is “healthy.”

But if you haven’t tried it, don’t knock it until you do.

Click the video image below to learn this incredibly simple technique, why it’s beneficial to you, and also get that super-simple meal idea!