On a recent Instagram Live, a Rebel who was watching shared with me (and my viewers) that changing her meal times improved her weight loss.
Another viewer begged her to share her meal times, automatically assuming that because these meal times worked for someone else, they’d work for her, too.
I get it. And there are certain element of weight loss that work well for all – like real food, water, and sleep.
BUT, there’s also a lot of individuality, and when you leap around copying what other people do, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Other people’s ideas can certainly inspire you, and present options you hadn’t thought of.
But, as I always say, finding what works for YOU is critical if you want to get and keep your weight off.
Keep that in mind as you watch this week’s What Do I Eat? If it doesn’t sound good to you, try swapping out the meat I use for something else. Same with the fat and veggies.
Find something you enjoy eating, AND helps you lose weight. It’s easier than you think!