One of my Rebels told me a troubling story recently.
She has a couple of family members who are getting into low-carb, which – while it’s not Code Red – is a better option than S.A.D. (the Standard American Diet).
At least, it’s a better option when you understand it well enough to follow it properly…
Which these family members aren’t doing.
Not because they’re cheating, but because they’re not yet educated enough.
Instead, they’re trusting food industry marketing about whether the processed food they’re buying is ACTUALLY “low-carb.”
Case in point: there’s a “tortilla” brand they came across that claims it is keto friendly and has only 1g of net carbs.
If you know ANYTHING about traditional keto (not the warped mainstream version that’s been corrupted by the food industry, but the original ketogenic diet), you know grains and soy are a no-go on keto (and, incidentally, on Code Red).
But take a look at the first five ingredients of these “keto-friendly” low-carb tortillas:
“Water, Oat Fiber, Vital Wheat Gluten, Whole Wheat Flour, Soy Bean Flour.”
At the end of the looooooooooong ingredients list it also says this:
“Contains Wheat & Soy.”
Eating grains on a high-fat, low-carb diet COMPLETELY defeats the purpose.
It’s like eating cane sugar on a sugar-free diet.
Or like eating gluten on a gluten-free diet.
This is just one reason why, on Code Red, I want you to eat as much real food as possible.
Real food is what it is.
It’s also what your body is designed to thrive on.
Plus, you’re protected from deceptive food industry marketing that’s specifically designed to trick you into buying something that is literally the opposite of what’s good for you.
Another way you can protect yourself from deceptive food industry marketing is simply this: get educated.
On the 10 Pound Takedown, that’s exactly what I’ll do: educate you on why everything you’ve been taught about weight loss is wrong…along with what to do instead to quickly and safely drop 10 pounds without shakes, diet pills, diet foods, exercise, shots, surgery, magic powders, patches, or other gimmicks.
You’ll eat real food.
You’ll drink water.
You’ll sleep.
You’ll follow 10 ridiculously simple rules.
Join the next one here: www.10PoundTakedown.com.
Protect yourself and get educated…
Because much of the food industry does NOT have “your best interest” at heart.
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