Trying to save money on food? Be careful.

An eye-watering number of people believe buying cheap, processed, boxed junk is the answer to saving money on food.

And in a way, I get why. When you’re focused on saving money right now, vs. also considering future consequences, the cheapest food seems like the smart or necessary play, financially.

Unfortunately, the wrong cheap foods can have expensive consequences.

If your family’s getting “value meals” at fast food restaurants that are full of sugar and/or cheap, processed grains, or buying boxed foods with those same ingredients (sugar and grains), then you may be on the road to pricey outcomes like the ones my Code Red Rebels are dealing with before they switch to the Code Red Lifestyle™:

  • More doctor visits trying to get help with more and more physical problems
  • More medications to address symptoms of those physical problems
  • Having to pack larger clothes for air travel, so ALWAYS having to check at least one bag because your clothes won’t fit in a carry-on
  • Your partner’s doctor visits
  • Your partner’s medication
  • Your kids’ doctor visits
  • Your kids’ medications
  • Higher health insurance premiums

Doctor visits, medications, and health insurance add up for ONE person. If you have a partner or kids at home, and everyone’s got problems, then double, triple, or even quadruple it…all trying to save $100 or $200 a month by buying low-quality food.

Low-quality food is also nutrient-deficient, which means your cells aren’t getting the building blocks they need for you to have energy and function at your best.

That means you’re always hungry, so always eating, so eating more than you would if you ate real, whole foods naturally packed with nutrients.

In other words, you may not be saving as much money as you think on groceries, because even if you’re able to buy more, you’re also eating more.

There are ways to save money on food without resorting to processed crap.

And when you eat real, whole, filling foods, like we do on the Code Red Lifestyle™, you won’t need to eat as much, so you’ll save money on food just because you don’t NEED as much.

Finally, when you’re eating foods that promote health instead of foods that promote disease, the need for constant doctor visits, and medications for symptom management, may go down, or disappear altogether.

Depending on your situation, that could save you anywhere from hundreds to THOUSANDS of dollars per month.

Be careful about falling for the food industry lie that their cheap, processed crap is “affordable.”

It may be costing you a lot more than you think.

Get 3 secrets to healthy eating on a budget, plus much more, in the Code Red Ringside Report at!