There’s something every human being who has ever lived, or will ever lived, has either wanted to do or tried to do, and it’s this:
Escape the consequences of your actions.
Problem is, it’s not possible to do so.
Oh, you can give it the old college try, for sure. Most people do.
And depending on what happened, and who you’ve got around you, you might rope other people into shouldering the consequences for you…at least for a while.
I TOTALLY get the urge to avoid unpleasant consequences. NO ONE likes them, me included.
That being said, you never escape them. At best, you postpone them.
Food and lifestyle choices are a perfect example of this.
One slice of pizza may not make you fat and sick overnight.
But keep it up, and those consequences will find you.
We all live in the consequences of our choices.
The good news is, this doesn’t just apply to choices that hurt us. It applies to ALL choices, including positive ones.
That means, the sooner you start making positive choices, and so CONSISTENTLY, the sooner you get to live in the amazing results those choices will get you.
What’s funny about positive choices is that sometimes they don’t feel as good in the moment as crappy choices.
Eating half a pan of brownies, for example, feels good in the moment, but it haunts you pretty soon after.
Saying no to the plate of brownies, on the other hand, may take some effort. You may feel like you’re missing out on that warm, melty, chocolatey taste.
But the rewards you get for making that positive choice feel just as great as caving in. Plus they’re endless instead of momentary.
You get to feel proud of yourself, instead of beat yourself up for “giving in again.” You don’t have to endure the stomachache and sugar crash. Your body gets stronger instead of takes a sugar beating.
See what I mean?
Everyone lives in the consequences of their choices. There’s no getting around it.
So rather than continue making choices that lead to consequences you hate, take a good, long look at those choices. See where you can make different, better choices. Make those instead.
Making the same choices leads to the same outcome. If you’re failing at the same thing over and over, like losing your weight and keeping it off, your choices are clearly part of the problem, right?
That means you have the power to change things, and finally get the outcome you want.
“I wish it were that simple, Cristy.”
It is.
It’s just not easy for most people.
But it is simple, and with a little mindfulness and support from like-minded people, you CAN do it, one choice at a time.