One thing that can freak out people new to the Code Red Lifestyle™ is the thought of eating out.
To be clear, I fully support you abstaining from eating out when you’re brand new to Code Red. In some cases I even recommend it.
That being said, social occasions like eating at a restaurant are likely gonna be part of your life, for the rest of your life. So I’ve got a video full of tips on what to order to stay Code Red-compliant and still enjoy your meal.
A big cause of anxiety at the thought of eating out is concern that the restaurant won’t have any Code Red-approved options.
Please know that in my experience, I have get to find a restaurant that didn’t have SOMETHING you can make work for Code Red.
And remember: Just because it’s not on the menu doesn’t mean they don’t have it. (I waited tables in college, so I’m tell you that from experience.)
Check out my restaurant tips video to learn:
– Which part of the menu to look at first
– Simple substitutions most any restaurant can do for you
– What to ask for to ensure you feel nice and full
Plus more!Eating at a restaurant doesn’t have to be scary! Especially not with the tips I share in this video. Click below to check it out!