There’s a lot more to weight gain than most people realize.
Of course a lot of it’s to do with the food we shove in our pie hole, but what most people miss are the reasons we choose to eat foods we know aren’t good for us…and to eat ungodly amounts of the stuff–WAY more than any one person needs to sustain themselves.
For example, society tells us we should be ashamed because we’re fat (which is bull crap), but the truth is, many people get fat because they’re ashamed…meaning the fat is a physical manifestation of a shame issue that’s already there.
Fat isn’t just about fat. It’s about what that fat represents to you.
It might be shame, but it might also be failure, a shield, self-hatred, or fear that being skinny equals death because you saw a loved one lose weight as they wasted away and died.
You may have heard me say the Code Red Lifestyle™ is about hope and healing, and that includes healing from what the fat represents to you.
In my video below, I’m gonna go over this with you in more detail, plus share some ways you can bring more hope and healing into your life.
You don’t have to live your life hopeless and hurting.
Click the image below to watch my new video and get tips on how you can begin healing from what the fat on your body represents.