This can help you lose weight faster (have you tried it yet?)

“Does this mean I can’t enjoy my food, Cristy??”

I get that question a lot, because on Code Red, we see food as fuel, not as a reward or punishment.

When someone new to Code Red hears me say food is fuel, they often take it mean I think eating your food should be emotionless torture.

Nope! Not what I’m saying at all.

In fact, on Code Red, if there’s an approved food you have to gag down in order to eat it, know what we tell you?

Don’t eat it! There’s a ton of other approved foods to choose from.

It’s totally fine to enjoy your food; and frankly, I think most people aren’t enjoying their food enough, including me.

What I mean by that is, I have a bad habit of standing over the sink and inhaling my meal. I don’t savor it. I don’t stop and enjoy the taste.

I just inhale it, instead of eating mindfully.

Mindful eating is something we encourage on Code Red, because without mindful eating, you can easily inhale twice as much food as you think, overeat instead of listen to your body, and stall your weight loss.

It’s something I’ve been working on, and it’s why I even did a whole video about mindful eating.

Scroll down and click to watch it.

I absolutely want you to enjoy your food, but not by binging or nibbling between meals.

Instead, you can do it in a healthy way that promotes weight loss, weight maintenance, and enjoying your food more than you ever have. 

To learn more about how to lose weight eating food you enjoy, check out my video below!

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1) On your computer, create your account at

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.