A while back I saw a comment in the Code Red network from a Rebel who shared their turning point.
A turning point is a point in time where you get SO fed up with being overweight and sick, you finally do something about it.
This Rebel’s turning point was this:
While dog-sitting at someone else’s house, they raided the cupboard and ate two whole canisters of high-end toffee candies.
Afterwards, they felt so horrible that they went to a candy store to replace the canisters, so the people they were dog-sitting for wouldn’t know what happened.
And get this.
Replacing that candy cost a whopping $140!
A lot of people insist that healthy eating is expensive, and use that to justify buying “cheap” junk food.
And yeah, I guess healthy eating can be a little pricey, depending on how you go about it.
But as this Rebel’s experience shows us, unhealthy eating isn’t as cheap as you think.
When you’re paying $140 for candy, $35-$40 bucks a pop for ONE person for DoorDash (which can be hundreds per week if you make a habit of it), and buying mountains of soda, sweets, and junk, eating crap food costs you a ton of money.
But not just from the food itself.
It’s also medications, hospital visits, and procedures you’re enduring as a result of eating “foods” that wreak havoc on your health.
As for healthy eating being expensive, you can make a filling Code Red meal for as little as $5 a person, easy, when you keep it simple with a meat, a fat, and a veggie, and eat a reasonable amount of food (vs. as much as you can stuff in).
Plus, you won’t be saddled with excessive medical expenses as a result of the health problems caused by a poor diet, saving you even more precious time and $$$.
As for staying out of the crap, it’s a lot easier to say no to junk – and to overeating – when you’re well-rested, because lack of sleep increases hunger, causes sugar cravings, and amplifies stress. (Stress eating is another common problem.)
If you battle sugar cravings, constant hunger, and the urge to eat when you’re stressed, make sure you’re getting enough high-quality sleep.
Sleep is the #1 rule in weight loss for a reason.
If you ain’t sleeping, you ain’t losing, because your body senses a lack of sleep as stress, and hangs onto water to protect you.
It also causes your body to send hunger signals and major sugar cravings, because it thinks you need food to stay awake (since you’re ignoring its signals that you need sleep).
Ironically, eating can make you super tired after you do, depending on what you eat and how much, because digestion takes two-thirds of your body’s energy, and it’ll rob it from other places to get the job done.
The bottom line: healthy eating isn’t expensive as the junk food industry wants you to keep believing, and junk food isn’t as cheap as you believe, either.
It may not take as much money out of your pocket up front, but it’s robbing you blind when it comes to medical problems (and their expenses) caused by poor diet.
I hope you keep that in mind the next time you’re tempted to grab a candy bar instead of real food!