I love my cabin. I love being in the woods.
But recently I realized that I don’t even set foot in part of my cabin.
To you, that may not seem like a big deal (which is totally fine).
To me it is, because I’m not the kind of person who keeps stuff around that I don’t use. The older I get, the less “extra” I want around.
That’s why I’m thinking of selling my cabin and buying a condo.
I’d still be at Tamarack and still right near the woods, just without the extra space.
See, I’m big into living based on your priorities.
Most people fill their lives full of “extra” that doesn’t really serve them.
Then they get overwhelmed, stretch themselves too thin, and never have time to focus on what really matters.
For me, “extra space” at Tamarack doesn’t matter. It’s not a priority.
I want enough space for what I need, but not the extra.
Hazel (my dog), on the other hand, DOES matter to me. She IS a priority, so I spend time and money training her and feeding her high-quality raw dog food.
Competing in bodybuilding is also a priority for me, and I just signed on with a new coach (my old one’s not available) to continue that journey.
The bottom line here is that I invest time and money into what’s important to me.
The reason I bring it up now is because another year’s almost in the books, which means a new year is on the horizon.
Will you spend 2024 circling the weight loss mountain again?
Is getting and keeping your weight off really a priority for you?
Or do you legitimately not care if you’re obese, sick, and tired if it means you can “eat what you feel like when you feel like it”?
I’m not asking that to make you feel badly if you truly don’t care.
I’m asking you to be honest with yourself.
Losing weight because someone else thinks you “should” isn’t gonna work long-term.
Are you doing it because YOU want to, or because you think you SHOULD?
Get real with yourself and go from there.
You’ll either save yourself more wasted time and money doing programs and buying gym memberships you’re not going to use…
Or you’ll buckle down and finally get the weight off because it’s actually what you want.
YOU get to decide.
If you decide you wanna lose your weight without exercise or gimmicks or shots, Code Red is here to help you TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.
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