On my live Q&A in the 10 LB Takedown last week, a Rebel shared a bad experience she had with a friend:
“Today was shamed by a friend that I’m not fun anymore cause I don’t go out and drink wine or appetizers with her…she told me it’s not sustainable. It reminded me about one of your daily videos where you talked about this very thing. I texted her and told her she hurt my feelings…I’m trying to do something good for myself and that she could be happy for me.”
I’m actually impressed this Rebel stood up for herself, because a lot of people don’t.
Instead, they cave in to what others want and end up going off the rails.
It’s hard to face the fact that when we elevate ourselves in some way, relationships in our lives that revolve around old habits may change…just like an alcoholic who’s getting sober and realizes all their friends are other alcoholics.
It’s also hard to be fat and sick. 🤷♀️
Picking your hard isn’t limited to what you eat.
You’ve gotta pick your hard with relationships, too.
I’m not saying you have to cut out every single person in your life who’s not a Code Red Rebel.
But you may need to spend less time with certain people.
You may need to suggest other activities that don’t revolve around food.
You definitely may need to surround yourself with more like-minded people who aren’t gonna say crap like “you’re no fun anymore” because you’re eating differently.
Besides, pigging out isn’t the only way to “have fun.”
It’s fun to fit into your skinny jeans, too.
It’s fun to clothes shop in your own closet and pull out all those “someday when I lose the weight” clothes.
It’s fun to buy clothes you like AND that fit, vs. settle for whatever dumpy, frumpy thing you can squeeze into.
It’s fun to hear your doctor say, “You don’t need Metformin anymore.”
It’s fun to stand up in the morning and realize your knee pain is gone.
So yeah, pick your hard…and in so doing, pick your fun.
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