I definitely don’t love it when people “try” Code Red and choose not to follow the program to the letter.
Part of that is because I’m a very black and white, do it or don’t do it person.
As in, if you commit to something, and say you want it, then you do what it takes to get it…or you don’t. For me, it’s that simple.
I also know the program works when you work the program, consistently and correctly, so seeing people screw around is tough because I know they’re depriving themselves of results they say they want, and could already be enjoying.
But as frustrating as it is when someone screws around, what I can’t stand even more are quitters.
I know – that’s pretty judgmental. Usually someone gets triggered when I bring it up.
Recently someone asked me, “Cristy, why do you have such a hard time with this?”
I hadn’t thought about it in a while, but here’s what it comes down to.
During my professional boxing career, I learned quick that when you’re a fighter, you NEVER quit.
Even when you can barely stand, even when you’re in tremendous pain, and even part of you is “done” and wants to quit, quitting is NEVER an option. Not if you wanna have any chance at all of making it as a fighter.
I was a professional fighter for eight years, so the “you NEVER quit” mindset was drilled into me like you wouldn’t believe.
It’s why, to this day, I have a hard time when people give up on themselves. That’s just not something you do in my world view.
If you get knocked down (it happens!), you get back up, but you absolutely do NOT give up on yourself.
So if you’re reading this, and you gave up on yourself, here’s what you do: Get back up and go again.
Keep fighting for YOU. Join a community of people who’ll support you, because most of us do better with people like that in our corner.
Whatever you do, don’t quit. Don’t give up on yourself.
You deserve to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.
Dig deep, lean on people who can believe in you as you learn to believe in yourself, and let’s freaking do this.
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1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.
2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.